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Deoch Lasrach


A’ dèanamh dà dheoch

Airson a’ phuree dearcan-fraoich
200g dearcan-fraoich ùra no reòite
100g siùcar castair no gràinneach
4 geugan ròs-Mhoire

Airson na dighe
1 clementine
100ml liciùr orainseir
50ml ruma

Airson a’ phuree dearcan-fraoich a dhèanamh, cuir na dearcan-fraoich ann am pana leis an t-siùcar agus an ròs-Mhoire. Ma thathar a’ cleachdadh dearcan-fraoich ùra, cuir 1-2 spàinntean-mòra bùirn ris. Measgaich air teas ìosal gus a bheil an siùcar air leaghadh agus slaop airson 5 mionaidean, no gus a bheil na measan air briseadh sìos.

Bleith san inneal-bleithidh agus an uair sin cuir tro shìoltachan. Fàg gu aon taobh gus fuarachadh gu tur.

Geàrr timcheall meadhan a’ chlementine gu cùramach, gus an geàrr thu tron chraiceann, gun a bhith a’ dol tron mheas gu lèir. Cuir car ann gus an dà leth a thoirt air falbh bho chèile, an uair sin thoir am meas às gus am bi dà shlige ghlan de chraicinn agad.

Lìon crathadair dighe le deich. Cuir an liciùr orainseir agus 60ml dhen phuree dearcan-fraoich ris agus crath gu math. Strèanaig ann an dà ghlainne coupe eu-domhainn, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gun a bhith a lìonadh nan glainnichean cus, oir èirigh na tha na bhroinn nuair a thèid slige a’ chlementine ann. Teasaich an ruma ann am pana beag, gun a bhith a’ leigeil leis goil. Cuir slige craiceann chlementine anns gach glainne agus dòirt leth shot dhen ruma bhlàth dhan chraicinn. A’ cleachdadh maidsichean gu math fada, las an ruma anns gach slige agus leig leis losgadh gus tèid an teine às. Cleachd spàinn gus na sligean chlementine a thogail agus an ruma a dhòirteadh a-steach dhan deoch. Thoir às an slige mus tèid òl.


Makes 2 cocktails

For the cranberry purée
200g fresh or frozen cranberries
100g caster or granulated sugar
4 sprigs of rosemary

To serve
1 clementine
Ice cubes
100ml orange liqueur
50ml rum

To make the cranberry purée, put the cranberries in a saucepan with the sugar and rosemary. If you are using fresh cranberries add 1 – 2 tablespoons of water. Stir over a gentle heat until the sugar has dissolved and then bring to a simmer for 5 minutes or until the fruit has broken down.
Blitz in a food processor, then pass through a sieve. Set aside to cool completely.

Carefully cut out around the centre of the clementine so that you score through the skin but not the whole fruit. Twist to separate the 2 halves, then carefully scoop out the fruit so you have 2 clean clementine shells.

Fill a cocktail shaker with ice cubes. Add the orange liqueur and 60ml of the cranberry purée and shake well. Strain into 2 shallow coupe glasses, making sure not to completely fill the glass as the level will rise when you add the clementine shell.
Warm the rum in a small pan, without letting it boil. Place a clementine shell in each drink and then carefully fill each half with a shot of the warm rum. Using extra-long matches, carefully light the rum in the shell and allow it to burn until it extinguishes itself. Use a spoon to carefully tilt the clementine shell to pour the rum into the cocktail, then remove the shell before drinking.