Come rain or shine: Joining forces to communicate the weather better

Our project aims to help farmers, fishers and pastoralists better prepare for weather events through improved climate and weather journalism.

How connecting broadcasters and weather scientists is protecting lives and livelihoods in East Africa.

With vulnerabilities to weather extremes rising across East Africa, access to practical and timely climate and weather information is critical when it comes to making important decisions about agriculture and livelihoods – such as when to plant crops, where to take cattle for water, and whether or not it’s a safe day to go fishing.

Yet there is currently a disconnect. Climate scientists tend to produce research findings and projections aimed at a technical community, whereas farmers and agriculturalists need information in simple, accessible language that they can apply to everyday challenges. Despite efforts to improve weather and climate services in East Africa, engagement with ordinary people is still relatively low due to a lack of reach, relevance, and accessibility.

Our Weather Wise project aims to close this gap by improving access to, and knowledge of, climate and weather information amongst farmers, fishermen and pastoralists in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.

We will do this through:

Training and mentoring

We’re building the skills of media professionals from these three countries on effective communication of weather and climate information – ensuring they keep practical decision-making in mind. This will include in-house and remote training on topics such as appropriate formats, story packaging, and how to increase audience engagement.

Our Weather Wise project mentors broadcasters to work closely with their rural audiences

‘Climate cafés’

Climate cafés are discussion events that provide an opportunity for communities to meet informally to talk about climate issues relevant to them and what they can do together locally. The events will convene a range of stakeholders (climate scientists, experts, fishermen, farmers, pastoralists, local meteorological agencies and media) in the form of an open conversation about the seasonal forecasts and what they mean for practical decision-making.

Encouraging partnership

We will also hold workshops to bring together journalists and climate scientists – many of whom have not worked together before – to forge new partnerships and networks, encouraging the co-production of high-quality climate media content.

By supporting media outlets to provide timely and easy-to-understand weather information and forecasts, we hope to help ordinary people across East Africa make better-informed decisions – ultimately improving their yields and livelihoods.

How our mentoring is helping broadcasters and the Met Office work together in East Africa

Project information

Project name

 Weather Wise

Funder   and  
Dates  2018-2020
Themes  Resilience, climate
Outputs  Capacity-building for local media.

Our projects in Kenya

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