Figure out what the point of your project is

Part of:UnderstandCreative decision making playbook


成人快手 UX&D Team

成人快手 UX&D Team



You're about to start a design sprint and want to engage stakeholders to agree the sprint goal.


Get stakeholders to attend a workshop having thought about the product/problem in advance. Try to get agreement on a goal for the sprint.


  1. Select seven or eight people (stakeholders and subject experts) to attend your pre-sprint workshop. Try to get a mix of disciplines.
  2. Send out the five POINT sheets to each participant in advance, get them to fill them in as homework. (Problem, Opportunity, Insight, Need, Theme.)
  3. At the workshop, get people to put their sheets up on a wall, or share them on a video call.
  4. Give them 3 minutes to talk through each sheet. The facilitator should keep strict time.
  5. Group dot vote to find potential goals. If you're doing this remotely you will want to put the sheets on a shared space and have a way for people to vote (emoji work well for this).
  6. Now have a longer group discussion focused on the relative priorities of these potential goals.
  7. Have a second dot vote to narrow down towards a sprint goal.

Please note

This method was not concepted at the 成人快手. If you know the creator please contact the GEL team