
Get those minds focused

Part of:UnderstandCreative decision making playbook


成人快手 UX&D Team

成人快手 UX&D Team



When you want to encourage people to think about significant progress.


Ask them a set of structured questions which get them thinking (and possibly acting too).


  1. Get the people into a workshop. Create four columns on the wall, in a document, or in a virtual whiteboard: "G","R","O" and "W".
  2. As the facilitator, ask lots of coaching style questions. Ensure the workshop participants brainstorm each area fully, in sequence.
  3. Goals = get them to consider what they want to achieve.
  4. Reality = get them to consider where things are now.
  5. Options = get them to consider what the options are.
  6. Will = get them to consider what they will do.

Please note

This method was not concepted at the 成人快手. If you know the creator please contact the GEL team