
by Louisa Carter

This easy American pancake recipe makes really light and fluffy pancakes that are great for making a special breakfast from scratch.

We have lots of easy topping ideas to try, from savoury to sweet and indulgent.

If you're not feeling so fluffy, there's always our flat British pancake recipe that's perfect for Pancake Day.

Each serving provides 256 kcal, 7g protein, 35g carbohydrates (of which 9g sugars), 9.5g fat (of which 5.5g saturates), 1.5g fibre and 1.2g salt.



Bicarbonate of soda has a limited shelf life so check the sell-by date when using it; otherwise your cakes might literally be a flop!


You can make your own baking powder by combining 15ml/1tbsp bicarbonate of soda with 30ml/2tbsp cream of tartar. Measure carefully as too much or too little can upset a recipe鈥檚 balance.
