Bias and brainwashing?
- 17 May 06, 03:41 PM
The 成人快手 has been accused of biased reporting by both opposing sides in Sri Lanka. Bernard Gabony, the South Asia editor of the 成人快手 News website, .
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The 成人快手 has been accused of biased reporting by both opposing sides in Sri Lanka. Bernard Gabony, the South Asia editor of the 成人快手 News website, .
Putting News First. That's what our brand campaign says. That's what we do on 成人快手 World. Except some of our viewers need to be convinced. Which is why the latest advertising campaign - which has - continues to hammer home the theme of news as the heart of everything we do.
The campaign was first introduced about 18 months ago, in response to research which suggested some audiences were confused about the role of the channel. At the same time, the schedule was changed to increase the amount of live news and business content, and we hope that anyone watching now will be clear about our purpose (though we were pretty clear to start with!).
The brand campaign, which features stories of bravery and enterprise from 成人快手 correspondents and crews, is designed to send out the message that we go that bit further to bring you the news; and that we don't just tell you what's happened, we tell you why. This is judged to be one of our core advantages over our international competitors; we're perceived as offering more range and depth.
The campaign has featured John Simpson's burka, Hilary Andersson's gas mask and Matthew Price's experiences from the Middle East (filmed, as it happens, in White City, but that's another story). The latest incarnation, launched this week, is an updated series of print ads. They feature artefacts from news stories - a flak jacket, amongst other examples (see some of them ) - but also have testimonials from influential viewers...
Continue reading "Ready to deliver"
Richard Porter is head of
I'm sorry if any of our viewers were offended by Jeremy's use of the word "bollocks" (which, if you want, you can see here).
Jeremy was - jovially - expressing his annoyance that Newsnight had been duped by a press release from the Baltic Centre which claimed that Sam Taylor Wood's latest work showed a man playing a cello which had been digitally removed.
Many of our viewers contacted us to say they thought he was simply miming, and when we contacted the artist she admitted that that was indeed the case. I think Jeremy was attracted by the alliteration of the "Baltic talking bollocks", and in mitigation it was 11.15pm.
Peter Barron is editor of Newsnight
Daily Mail: "The man who accidentally found himself on live television commentating on computers for the 成人快手 agreed to return and discuss his bizarre experience" ().
The Scotsman: "The 成人快手 mole who leaked the huge salaries of its star presenters was yesterday unmasked as a temporary office worker" ()
Daily Express: Ann Widdecombe praises 成人快手 One's Real Story (no link, but more on that here)
Daily Mail: Edwina Currie says 成人快手 Two drama The Line of Beauty is "a portrait of Thatcher's Britain as seen through the prism of a 成人快手 which still seems to hate her 16 years after she left office" (no link)
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