Tinie, Daisy and a celebration in the studio

What a chart show this week!
Loads went on, from the awful elevator and staircase impression in the Live Lounge by Daisy Dares You, to Tinie Tempah running on the spot due to waaaaaaayyyyyy too much adrenaline.
Daisy was really sweet and spoke about her time on tour with Chipmunk, Gramaphonzie sounded like he was speaking in reverse as none of us could work out what the heck he was saying and I as ever, ate too many sweets and poked fun at producer Adele for three hours.
Congratulations to Tinie Tempah who hit the top of the chart with his debut single 'Pass Out' the man brought around fifty people to the studio and like the track says, he popped bottles and raised a toast of celebration. It was brilliant to see someone who was actually chuffed to go to number one and deservedly so, Its been a bit of a mad journey and im proper proud of him!
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I'm off to Tinie's celebration party!
See you next week people
Comment number 1.
At 7th Mar 2010, jonesybcfc wrote:Right. Start rant-
What a chart show today??? Excuse me? I didn't really find the task of having to listen to the views of Heather in Middlesbrough's mobile phone, or the rest of the exhilirating texts you get sent about who's name people want you to say at the end of the show. It's a pointless, money making scam of the ITV variety, so to use it in the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖs flagship show on it's flagship station is a bit ridiculous.
Mr Yates, spending 10 minutes laughing about DDY and Tempah's dancing antics just isn't good radio, as believe it or not we can't actually see them, so we're all sat bored while you laugh in a room by yourself. A point you may want to take note of as actually you won't 'see me next week' as your ON THE RADIO
The chart show, as I said, is the prime radio show in the country, the most important one. And it's not really a difficult show to do, is it? You get the list of songs to play so you just have to read out the numbers-oh no I forgot a computer voice does that as well. Yet you still manage to mess up the simplest presenting job in the media. The show is awful, and has been for ages. I know I'm not the only music lover on here to feel the same way.
So, I hope to see a new presenter in next week, may I suggest a Mr Fraser McAlpine...
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Comment number 2.
At 7th Mar 2010, spirit wrote:As I have been saying for ages , THe RADIO 1 CHART SHOW , is the jewel in the crown for this fantastic station .
It is the first time that real music lovers , businesses and real fans get to hear the important chart positions of various acts .
In my opinion , the presentation of this show has been dwindling dramatically for many years , to the stage where I cannot even listen to it , and I know thousands of others who feel the same .
Please , Radio 1 , let's have a presenter who CARES about the music , and gives chart information and really values the music they play.
This is The Chart Show after all , not a birthday party for under 12's !!!
Treat your audience with respect and value people who appreciate music .
I love music with an intense passion , and expect the presenter of such a monumental music show to do the same !
Change has got to come !!
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Comment number 3.
At 7th Mar 2010, harrythedog10 wrote:*begin defence of Reggie, why? Because someone has to*
To be honest it's not really Reggie's fault is it? It the fault of the idiots at the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ who are trying to turn 90 minutes of music into a 3 hour show. What are the presenters supposed to do? They're not allowed to talk about what's going on in their life, because really only people closely connected to them would care, and they can't talk about topical news stories because we've got the news for that! So some clever ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ executive came up with the idea of random texting in with what song they'd like to be no.1. Genuis!
As for the laughing about the dancing thing. If you've been playing various different versions of Don't Stop Believing for weeks on end, the idea of Tinie Tempah and Daisy Dares You dancing is probably hilarious. I'm not saying I really like Reggie as a presenter, I don't really like any of the Chart Show hosts over the years, I'm just saying that it's not an easy job and that he should get credit for doing that job.
*End defence of Reggie*
P.S: In my head Daisy's doing the running man, badly, and that is hilarious
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Comment number 4.
At 7th Mar 2010, spirit wrote:The Chart Show plays 40 songs approximately 3 mins per song , that is 120 minutes or 2 hours , then you add one minute per song to give revealing facts about the song or artist , that's 2 hours and 40 minutes .
You could even do a section on playing songs at the end , that could chart prominently the next week .This would provide interest for the following weeks show .
Hey , I love music and it's my number 1 passion , talking informatively about the acts in the chart is EASY , I would not even need a script , it is all in my head . I live and breathe the music business . Talking about it is an absolute pleasure and totally natural .
This text in about who you think is number 1 , WHEN really most people know due to the tabloids and radio 1 djs telling everyone on Thursday and Friday , makes Reggie and the people that text in seem like victims of a money making exercise , and frankly makes Radio 1 lose an awful amount of credibility regarding it's chart show .
Seriously , this texting in for number 1 , when Reggie ALREADY knows is ludicrous , unfair and an affront to decent people everywhere.
He KNEW that Tinie Tempah is number 1 as he has the information in front of him , so to encourage impresssionable people to text in , if they think other artists will be number 1 , is cruel , misleading , underhand and outright unsporting in the extreme .
Sort this out Radio 1 , this is an extremely bad idea .
Let's have a presenter who loves music and values their listeners .
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Comment number 5.
At 7th Mar 2010, jonesybcfc wrote:Exactly what I said. Change we need.
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Comment number 6.
At 7th Mar 2010, BloggingLiam wrote:I have ranted about this many a time on most of Reggie's posts. Refere to those for a giggle.
I also agree with Harry. A lot of it is probably not Reggie's fault. He does what he's told.
Sort the formatting out on the post too, it looks awful.
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Comment number 7.
At 8th Mar 2010, harrythedog10 wrote:I just thought of something. If we had someone really passionate about music, like say a John Peel type figure, doing the chart show surely after a couple of weeks they would kill themself in despair after having to sit through the rubbish we have in the charts (Bieber, N Dubz I'm looking at you).
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Comment number 8.
At 8th Mar 2010, spirit wrote:That is the skill of a music loving presenter Harry .
The ability to be positive and give valuable insight and information about every single act .
It really is quite natural .
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Comment number 9.
At 8th Mar 2010, RandomEnigma wrote:Wooo! Go Spirit! I can tolerate playing Justin Bieber even though I hate his music. At least it's catchy for anyone under the age of 16.
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Comment number 10.
At 8th Mar 2010, spirit wrote:Too true Randy .
When you play Justin Bieber , you have the insight that there are thousands of his fans listening to the song and then what you say , so you be positive and give out all the information that they will want.
Simple really.
Have knowledge about EVERY act , and be positive about EVERY act .
Focus on the music , and value ALL your listeners , and focus on the Chart Show .
Easy !
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Comment number 11.
At 8th Mar 2010, RandomEnigma wrote:Yes, I wish radio stations would concentrate more on music. I don't listen to Radio 1 but it seems to be a given that the radio presenter just splutters on about random information rather than talk about music. A lot of radio presenters know so little about modern day music. You think its bad that Reggie is the presenter of the Chart Show? In Ireland, our Chart Show presenter is a 72 year old man who hasn't a clue how to pronounce most of the acts names.
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Comment number 12.
At 8th Mar 2010, mike_duke wrote:I agree with all the comments that have been made about the state of the chart show, but I think that is just how it is going to be now. The only thing that annoys me is when Reggie goes on about how he doesn't like Glee. (Not just because I like Glee, but because I think it's a bit rude).
However, seeing as I normally say things about Reggie's blog that are not great, it's actually not a too bad blog. Is there a link to the video anywhere?
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Comment number 13.
At 8th Mar 2010, harrythedog10 wrote:@ 11
Isn't there some kind of rule set out by the record companies that says they can only play so many minutes of music in a day. It's stupid really and they're only doing it because they seem to think people will sit at home waiting for their favourite song to come on instead of buying it, surely anyone with any sense would just find the song on youtube.
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Comment number 14.
At 8th Mar 2010, RandomEnigma wrote:Exactly Harry which is why I don't listen to the radio. I'm sick of them playing the same songs over and over again. I'll plug in my iPod when listening to music.
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Comment number 15.
At 9th Mar 2010, mangsy wrote:Of course there should be a proper chart show on radio one, not the silly kind where you try to make a party out of it.
Positions, ups and downs, facts about the artist, previous hits by the artist and then just music! How difficult can it be?
Good idea, Spirit, that they could have a section where they play new tracks that might enter the chart the following week.
And if radio one still want to do "youthful" they could have a "chart party" some other day, where Reg could invite his friends and they could all sit and guess the next week´s number one (pretty much what we´re doing here on ChartBlog...) and have people text in/phone in and talk about whatever. I suppose he does now what he´s been told to do, so let´s not blame the poor guy.
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Comment number 16.
At 9th Mar 2010, mangsy wrote:And by the way, is Fraser ill?
Not a word in days. Hello?
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Comment number 17.
At 9th Mar 2010, spirit wrote:I know where Fraser is !
I have just spotted THE BIG MAC in London , in a shop displaying the new range of condoms from the JLS boys !
The condoms are called JUST LOVE SAFE !
ASTON , MARVIN ,JB and ORITSE have chosen THE BIG F as the model to demonstrate how durable and flexible the new condoms are .
Judging by the queue that is stretching down Oxford St , Fraser's debut as a model is a resounding success !
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Comment number 18.
At 9th Mar 2010, mangsy wrote:So I suppose he´s a bit worn out then...
Spirit, do you know if he´s still there? I might go and have a look. Is it long? THE QUEUE of course! Silly!
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Comment number 19.
At 9th Mar 2010, spirit wrote:All I can reveal to you Mangsy , is that when measuring the success of these JLS condoms , Fraser has a very BIG part to play .
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Comment number 20.
At 9th Mar 2010, spirit wrote:It is quite perplexing as a music man , taking on board the strange events of today .
I pictured Fraser, at home in Cornwall , in his office , typing up the review of the new Justin Bieber single , only to find him , here in London , being a "condom model " for the JLS boys !
And very impressive he is too !
Remember guys and gals , if EVERYBODY'S IN LOVE , and you got only ONE SHOT............. Just Love Safe !
Wear a condom !
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Comment number 21.
At 9th Mar 2010, RandomEnigma wrote:"Remember guys and gals , if EVERYBODY'S IN LOVE , and you got only ONE SHOT............. Just Love Safe !"
Which will see you BEAT AGAIN without any problems.
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Comment number 22.
At 9th Mar 2010, RandomEnigma wrote:I'm thinking the frequent commentators on Chart Blog should set up our own unreal radio station.
CHART BLOG FM with the Chart Blog Crew. Has a sort of ring to it.
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Comment number 23.
At 9th Mar 2010, harrythedog10 wrote:I bagsy the Breakfast Show!
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Comment number 24.
At 9th Mar 2010, mangsy wrote:You´re welcome to it, Harry! I´m just useless in the morning. But I´d be happy to get on after you, say about 10ish? I can bring breakfast.
But how would it all work Random? I love the idea, but I´m not really sure you´ve thought this through...
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Comment number 25.
At 9th Mar 2010, harrythedog10 wrote:Well first we need to create a playlist, one that contains both Goldfrapp - Rockets and Gabriella Cilmi - On A Mission (but hopefully not Justin Bieber)!
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Comment number 26.
At 9th Mar 2010, RandomEnigma wrote:We leave no music out! Yes, it would be rather complicated to record our radio show seeing as all you guys are spread all over Britain and I'm in Ireland.
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Comment number 27.
At 9th Mar 2010, harrythedog10 wrote:Random then we must use the power of the interweb! I'm sure there'll be some way that you can record a radio show and then put it on the web, even if you have to get the songs of your Itunes or Youtube.
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Comment number 28.
At 9th Mar 2010, mangsy wrote:Anything good gets played. Well spoken.
Maybe we could just do it live on the ChartBlog. Like... in the morning: Harry, you write something interesting for us to read and then you tell us what track you´re gonna play, and we can quickly Youtube it if we haven´t got it, and listen to it ourselves. And then you go on with the next track, after saying something about it. And so on. For three hours.
God I´m exhausted already.
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Comment number 29.
At 9th Mar 2010, BloggingLiam wrote:Lets duet the morning show Harry. But only if we start at like 7 .. from our (separate?) bedrooms. Not 6.30 and in London like that mentalist Moyles.
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Comment number 30.
At 10th Mar 2010, jonesybcfc wrote:evening Drivetime's mine then :)
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Comment number 31.
At 10th Mar 2010, harrythedog10 wrote:I'm not sure I get how this works. Do I write some kind of transcript of what I would say, with tracks thrown into it at random points, and you guys read it as if it was a radio show.
P.S: I would love to duet the breakfast show with you, Liam. Though that would make things alot more complicated!
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Comment number 32.
At 10th Mar 2010, spirit wrote:Especially as Liam is secretly in love with you , and the simmering sexual tension between the two of you, that would be oozing in the studio , could erupt live on air at any moment .
Don't know about anyone else , but I would certainly be listening !!!
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Comment number 33.
At 10th Mar 2010, jonesybcfc wrote:It would be indeed. You don't get that on Wogan...
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Comment number 34.
At 10th Mar 2010, mangsy wrote:Get real Harry.
We´d have to do it live. In Real Time.
Which means you´ll probably have to give up your real job (if you´ve got one) to be able to sit through the whole morning show 7-10 and write bits and pieces for us to read, and throw in tracks for us, the "listeners", to youtube simultaneously...
Like I´ve already explained.
Who said this new idea would be easy to pull through?
Oh I give up. You just want everything for nothing, you lot! ;)
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