
Solids, liquids and gases

The of is a model that describes the arrangement, movement and of in a substance. The model is used to explain the of solids, liquids and gases.

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Particle arrangement and movement

The table below shows a comparison of the same substance in three different states.

Table showing diagrams of solid, liquid and gas, their particle arrangements, movement and closeness.

The particles in the 2D diagrams could be , or depending on the type of substance, e.g. ionic compounds, small molecules, giant molecules, and metals.

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Explaining properties

A single particle does not have the properties of the material it is part of. The properties of a substance are the properties of a huge number of particles together.


  • have a fixed shape and cannot flow, because their particles cannot move from place to place
  • cannot be compressed (squashed), because their particles are close together and have no space to move into


  • flow and take the shape of their container, because their particles can move around each other
  • cannot be compressed, because their particles are close together and have no space to move into


  • flow and completely fill their container, because their particles can move quickly in all directions
  • can be compressed. Particles are far apart and have space to move into

Podcast: States of matter

In this episode, Dr Sunayana Bhargava and Tulela Pea explore the states of matter: solid, liquid and gas. They define melting and freezing, and boiling and condensing points.

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Changes of state

The diagram summarises the common changes of state.

Image showing the molecular changes from a solid, to  liquid, to gas.

Extended syllabus content

If you are studying the Extended syllabus, you will also need to know about forces and the distances between particles. Click 'show more' for this content:

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Explaining change of state

Melting, evaporating and boiling

Energy must be transferred, by heating, to a substance for these changes of to happen. During these changes the particles gain energy, which is used to:

  • break some of the between particles during
  • overcome the remaining forces of attraction between particles during or

In evaporation, particles leave a liquid from its surface only.

In boiling, bubbles of gas form throughout the liquid. They rise to the surface and escape to the surroundings, forming a gas.

The amount of energy needed to change state from solid to liquid, and from liquid to gas, depends on the strength of the forces between the particles of a substance. The stronger the forces of attraction, the more energy is required.

Every substance has its own melting point and boiling point. The stronger the forces between particles, the higher its melting and boiling points.

The strength of the forces between particles depends on the particles involved. For example, the forces between ions in an ionic solid are stronger than those between molecules in water or hydrogen.

Evaporation can take place below the boiling point of a substance.

Condensing and freezing

Energy is transferred from a substance to the surroundings when a substance condenses or freezes. This is because the forces of attraction between the particles get stronger.

Video: The atomic structure of metal

Mark Miodownik uses a computer animation to outline the lattice arrangement of atoms in solid metals - a configuration that makes metals both malleable and strong.

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Video: Movement of particles

Watch this video that explores how the movement of particles and gases causes diffusion.

You walk into a coffee shop and immediately smell coffee. Why?

One reason is moving air currents or convection. Moving currents of air carry coffee smell particles around the coffee shop.

But even without convection, the smell would still reach you eventually - by diffusion. In diffusion, coffee particles move from the coffee machine (an area of high concentration) to the rest of the coffee shop (an area of low concentration).

Diffusion is the particles of one substance spreading out and mixing with the particles of another substance.

Making a cup of coffee also involves the diffusion of coffee particles through hot water:

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, Coffee molecules entering cup of hot water, 1. Highly concentrated coffee molecules enter the cup of hot water.

In gases and liquids, particles move randomly from place to place. The particles collide with each other or with their container. This makes them change direction. Eventually, the particles are spread through the whole liquid or whole container.

Brownian motion

Gas particles move very quickly - particles in air move at 500 m/s on average, at room temperature. However, the particles of a smell do not travel this fast. This is because its particles collide with each other and with particles of air very frequently. They change direction randomly when they collide, so it takes much longer to travel from one place to another. Their random motion because of collisions is called

In this example, the particles of the smell are suspended in the particles of the air. Brownian motion also occurs in particles of a solid suspended in a liquid. An example of this is pollen grains suspended in water. The pollen grains can be observed moving in random directions using a light microscope.

Brownian provides evidence for the kinetic particle model of matter.

Extended syllabus content

If you are studying the Extended syllabus, you will also need to know more about Brownian motion. Click 'show more' for this content:

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Pressure and temperature

If the of a container with a gas inside stays the same, the pressure of a gas increases as its increases.

Key fact: The temperature of a gas is a measure of the average of its particles - the higher the temperature, the higher the average kinetic energy.

As a result, the gas particles will be travelling faster and will collide with the walls of the container more frequently, and with more force.

This means that there is a relationship between and temperature. If a pressure gauge is connected to a flask of air and the flask is heated, a graph of pressure against temperature can be produced.

a graph pressure and temperature

As the temperature increases, the pressure increases showing that pressure is directly to temperature.

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Pressure and volume

J-shaped glass tube, filled with mercury, and a trapped air bubble at the smaller end.

If a balloon is squeezed it will get smaller. If the pressure is increased, the volume will decrease.

The Irish scientist Robert Boyle originally investigated this relationship in the 17th century. Boyle carried out an experiment that gave one of the first pieces of experimental evidence for the particle theory.

By pouring mercury into a J-shaped tube that was sealed at one end, Boyle was able to trap a bubble of air. He then poured more mercury in slowly and watched what happened to the volume of the air bubble.

The higher the column of mercury in the left hand side of the tube, the greater the pressure the trapped air was experiencing and the smaller the bubble became.

Key fact: Boyle was able to show that volume is to pressure.

Extended syllabus content

If you are studying the Extended syllabus, you will also need to know more about mass at a constant temperature. Click 'show more' for this content:


If a gas has a pressure of 200,000 Pa when it is in a volume of 10 m3, what will its pressure be if the volume is reduced to 2.5 m3?

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Kinetic energy, temperature and the Kelvin scale

Video: Kinetic theory

Pressure, temperature and volume of gas explained using gas laws and the kinetic model

Imagine a gas is trapped inside a container which has a fixed size (its volume cannot change). Gas pressure is caused by the collisions of the gas particles with the inside of the container as they collide with and exert a force on the container walls. Then the gas is heated up.

As the temperature of the gas increases, the particles gain kinetic energy and their speed increases. This means that the particles hit the sides more often and with greater force. Both of these factors cause the pressure of the gas to increase.

A temperature of absolute zero is the point at which the gas particles stop moving. This corresponds to a temperature of \(-273^{\circ}C \). Particles have no kinetic energy at all so no energy can be removed and the temperature cannot get any lower. With no kinetic energy and now stationary, the particles will exert no pressure either.

Using this idea of , it makes sense to create a new temperature scale 鈥 one where 'zero' is 'absolute zero'.

  • To convert 掳C into K, add 273.

  • To convert K into 掳C, subtract 273.

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Test your knowledge of particles with this quiz.

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