
Thermal expansion of solids, liquids and gases

When almost all known solids, liquids and gases are heated they expand in size. This is called . This occurs when the surrounding does not change.

This occurs because as the particles are heated they gain and they move more. When they do this, the volume, or overall size, of the object increases.

The distances between particles is greatest in the gas, then liquid and lastly solid
Figure caption,
The distances between particles are smallest in the solid, they are larger in the liquid and larger again in the gas.

The particles in gases and liquids move more freely than in solids, so their volume increases when heated.

Demonstration of solid expansion

Ball and ring

Ball and Ring Experiment

If the ball fits through the ring at room temperature, heat the metal ball. It expands and will then not fit through the ring.

If the ball does not fit through the ring at room temperature heat the metal ring. The ring expands and the hole in the centre gets bigger. The ball will now fit through the ring.

The volume of different solid materials expand at different rates. Pouring hot water on the metal lid of a jam jar can make it easier to open the jar. This is because the metal lid expands more than the glass jar.

Rivets hold sheets of metal together. The rivet is heated up and hammered between two sheets of metal. The ends are then hammered flat. As the rivet cools, it contracts in volume and pulls the two sheets of metal tightly together.


When building a train track, the engineer leaves a small gap between each section of track. Why?

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Demonstration of liquid expansion

Like solids, liquids expand when they are heated, but because the bonds between separate are usually less tight, liquids expand more than solids.

Liquid Expansion experiment

The water level in the capillary tube is initially at A.

When the water is heated the liquid level initially falls to level B, before rising to level C and above.

When the glass flask and capillary tube are first heated, they expand. This causes the volume of the flask to increase, and the liquid level falls to B.

However, the liquid is quickly heated and starts to expand. It expands more than the solid glass and so the water level rises back to A and then up to, and beyond, C.

This shows that:

  • Liquids expand when heated
  • Liquids expand more than solids

This is the principle behind liquid-in-glass thermometers. An increase in temperature results in the expansion of the liquid which means it rises up the glass. The liquid used is usually alcohol or mercury.

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Demonstration that gases expand

Gases also expand when heated.

Molecules within gases are further apart and weakly attracted to each other. Heat causes the molecules to move faster, which means that the volume of a gas increases more than the volume of a solid or liquid.

Expansion of gas

Once the flask stops being heated it cools and contracts. This causes the liquid to be sucked up the tube and into the flask.


  • Matter expands when heated and contracts when cooled
  • Liquids expand and contract more than solids
  • Gases expand and contract more than liquids
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The bimetallic strip

sheet metal with rivets

A bimetallic strip is made from two different metals riveted together, one on top of the other.

When heated, both metals expand, but one expands more than the other. Since they are riveted together, they cannot slip over one another, and the strip bends.

The metal which expands more is at the outside of the curve. The metals used are often brass and steel. Brass expands more than steel and so will be on the outside of the curve.

sheet metal with rivets
Bimetallic strip

As the metal cools it straightens out again. It bends in the opposite direction if cooled down beneath room temperature.

A bimetallic fire alarm

Bimetallic fire alarm

When there is a fire:

  • The temperature rises
  • The brass expands more than the iron and will be on the outside of the curve
  • The strip bends down and touches the contact
  • The electric circuit is complete and the bell rings

Video: Heating metals

Extended syllabus content: Forces of attraction

If you are studying the Extended syllabus, you will also need to know about forces of attraction. Click 'show more' for this content:

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Specific heat capacity

Heating materials

When materials are heated, the molecules gain and start moving faster. The result is that the material gets hotter.

Key fact: Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules.

Different materials require different amounts of energy to change temperature. The amount of energy needed depends on:

  • the mass of the material
  • the substance of the material (specific heat capacity)
  • the desired temperature change

It takes less energy to raise the temperature of a block of aluminium by 1掳C than it does to raise the same amount of water by 1掳C. The amount of energy required to change the temperature of a material depends on the of the material.

Heat capacity

Key fact: The specific heat capacity of a material is the energy required to raise one kilogram (kg) of the material by one degree Celsius (掳C).

The specific heat capacity of water is 4,200 Joules per kilogram per degree Celsius (J/kg掳C). This means that it takes 4,200 J to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1掳C.

Some other examples of specific heat capacities are:

MaterialSpecific heat capacity (J/kg掳/C)

Lead will warm up and cool down fastest because it doesn鈥檛 take much energy to change its temperature. Brick will take longer to heat up and cool down. Bricks can be used in storage heaters as they stay warm for a long time.

Other heaters are filled with oil (1,800 J/kg掳C) or water (4,200 J/kg掳C) as these emit a lot of heat energy as they cool down and therefore stay warm for a long time.

Video: Specific heat capacity

Jonny Nelson explains specific heat capacity with a GCSE Physics practical experiment

Podcast: Heat capacity

In this episode James and Ellie explore specific heat capacity, how to calculate it and how it varies by substance.

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Calculating thermal energy changes

The amount of thermal energy stored or released as the temperature of a system changes can be calculated using the equation:

change in thermal energy = mass 脳 specific heat capacity 脳 temperature change

\(\Delta E_{t}=m \times c \times \Delta \Theta\)

This is when:

  • change in thermal energy (螖贰t) is measured in joules (J)
  • mass (m) is measured in kilograms (kg)
  • specific heat capacity (c) is measured in joules per kilogram per degree Celsius (J/kg掳C)
  • temperature change (鈭单) is measured in degrees Celsius (掳C)


To boil 0.25 kg of water it first needs to be heated from 20掳颁 to 100掳颁. If the specific heat capacity of water is 4,180 J/kg掳C, how much thermal energy is needed to get the water up to boiling point?

\(E_{t} = m~c~\Delta \theta\)

\(E_{t} = 0.25 \times 4,180 \times (100 - 20)\)

\(E_{t} = 0.25 \times 4,180 \times 80\)

\(E_{t} = 83,600~J\)


How much thermal energy does a 2 kg steel block (c = 450 J/kg掳C) lose when it cools from 300掳颁 to 20掳颁?

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Practical experiment - measuring specific heat capacity

There are different ways to investigate methods of insulation. In this practical activity, it is important to:

  • make and record potential difference, current and time accurately
  • measure and observe the change in temperature and energy transferred
  • use appropriate apparatus and methods to measure the specific heat capacity of a sample of material

Podcast: Specific heat capacity practical

In this episode, Ellie and James discuss the specific heat capacity practical experiment. They outline how the experiment is carried out and share key tips for how to get reliable results.

Aim of the experiment

To measure the specific heat capacity of a sample of material.


  1. Place the immersion heater into the central hole at the top of the block of material.
  2. Place the thermometer into the smaller hole and put a couple of drops of oil into the hole to make sure the thermometer is surrounded by hot material.
  3. Fully insulate the block by wrapping it loosely with cotton wool.
  4. Record the temperature of the block.
  5. Connect the heater to the power supply and turn it off after ten minutes.
  6. After ten minutes the temperature will still rise even though the heater has been turned off and then it will begin to cool. Record the highest temperature that it reaches and calculate the temperature rise during the experiment.

Record results in a suitable table. The example below shows some sample results.

Ammeter reading (A)Voltmeter reading (V)Initial temperature (掳C)Final temperature (掳C)


The block has a mass of 1 kg and the heater was running for 10 minutes = 600 seconds.

Using the example results:

energy transferred = potential difference 脳 current 脳 time

\(E = V \times I \times t\)

\(E = 10.90 \times 3.65 \times 600\)

\(E = 23,700~J\)

\(E = mc \Delta T\)

\(c = \frac{E}{m \Delta T}\)

\(c = \frac{23,700}{1 \times (23)}\)

\(c = 1,030 J/kg掳C\)

The actual value for the specific heat capacity of aluminium is 900 J/kg掳C. The calculated value does not match exactly but it is in the correct order of magnitude.


  • All experiments are subject to some amount of experimental error due to inaccurate measurement, or variables that cannot be controlled. In this case, not all of the heat from the immersion heater will be heating up the aluminium block, some will be lost to the surroundings.

  • More energy has been transferred than is needed for the block alone as some is transferred to the surroundings. This causes the calculated specific heat capacity to be higher than for 1 kg of aluminium alone.

Hazards and control measures

HazardConsequenceControl measures
Hot immersion heater and sample materialBurnt skinDo not touch when switched on. Position away from the edge of the desk. Allow time to cool before packing away equipment. Run any burn under cold running water for at least 10 minutes.
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Practical experiment - Measuring the specific heat capacity of water

There are different ways to determine the specific heat capacity of water. In this required practical activity it is important to:

  • measure and observe the change in temperature accurately

  • use the appropriate apparatus and methods to measure the specific heat capacity of water

Aim of the experiment

To measure the specific heat capacity of water.


  1. Place one litre (1 kg) of water in the
  2. Place the immersion heater into the central hole at the top of the calorimeter.
  3. Clamp the thermometer into the smaller hole with the stirrer next to it.
  4. Fully insulate the calorimeter by wrapping it loosely with cotton wool.
  5. Record the temperature of the water.
  6. Connect the heater to the power supply and a joulemeter and turn it on for ten minutes. Stir the water regularly.
  7. After ten minutes the temperature will still rise even though the heater has been turned off and then it will begin to cool. Record the highest temperature that it reaches and calculate the temperature rise during the experiment.


Record results in a suitable table. The example below shows some sample results.

Energy supplied (J)Initial temperature (掳C)Final temperature (掳C)


The water has a mass of 1 kg and the heater supplied 100,000 J, whilst the temperature rose 23掳C.

Using the example results:

\(c = \frac{\Delta Q}{m\Delta \theta }\)

\(c = \frac{100,000}{1 \times 23} = 4,300~J/kg {\textdegree}C\)

The actual value for the specific heat capacity of water is 4,200 J/kg掳C. The calculated value does not match exactly but it is in the correct order of magnitude.


  • All experiments are subject to some amount of experimental error due to inaccurate measurement or variables that cannot be controlled. In this case, not all of the heat from the immersion heater will be heating up the water, some will be lost to the surroundings.

  • More energy has been transferred than is needed for the block alone as some is transferred to the surroundings. This causes the calculated specific heat capacity to be higher than for one kilogram (kg) of water alone.

  • The lid on the calorimeter has reduced much thermal energy loss, and the use of cotton wool insulation has also helped to insulate the calorimeter. Thicker insulation would improve the accuracy of the results even more.

Hazards and control measures

HazardConsequenceControl measure
Hot immersion heater and sample materialBurn skinDo not touch when switched on. Position away from the edge of the desk. Allow time to cool before packing away equipment. Run any burn under cold running water for at least 10 minutes.
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Changes of state

Melting, evaporating and boiling

The diagram summarises the common changes of state.

Energy must be transferred, by heating, to a substance for these changes of to happen. During these changes the particles gain energy, which is used to:

  • break some of the between particles during
  • overcome the remaining forces of attraction between particles during or

During melting and boiling there is not a change in temperature because the energy breaks the bonds or forces of attraction.

In evaporation, particles leave a liquid from its surface only. In boiling, bubbles of gas form throughout the liquid. They rise to the surface and escape to the surroundings, forming a gas.

Evaporation causes an object to cool. When sweat evaporates from skin it cools it down.

The amount of energy needed to change state from solid to liquid, and from liquid to gas, depends on the strength of the forces between the particles of a substance. The stronger the forces of attraction, the more energy is required.

Every substance has its own and The stronger the forces between particles, the higher its melting and boiling points.

The strength of the forces between particles depends on the particles involved. For example, the forces between ions in an solid are stronger than those between molecules in water or hydrogen. This explains the melting and boiling point data in the table.

SubstanceBonding typeMelting pointBoiling point
Sodium chlorideIonic801掳颁1413掳颁
WaterSmall molecules0掳颁100掳颁
HydrogenSmall molecules-259掳颁-252掳颁

These boiling/melting points are for standard atmospheric pressure and will be different at higher/lower atmospheric pressures. Evaporation can take place below the boiling point of a substance.

Condensing and freezing

Energy is transferred from a substance to the surroundings when a substance condenses or freezes. This is because the forces of attraction between the particles get stronger.

Condensing occurs at the boiling point of a substance. A gas has particles with high kinetic energy stores. As the gas cools these stores reduce. When the cooling gas lowers to its boiling point, it condenses into a liquid. The particles move closer together.

Freezing occurs at the melting point. As a liquid cools down the kinetic energy stores of its particles reduce. When the cooling liquid reaches its melting point, it solidifies (or freezes if water) into a solid. The particles move closer together to form the fixed, regular arrangement seen in solids.

Predicting a physical state

The state of a substance at a given temperature can be predicted if its melting point and boiling point are known. The table summarises how to work this out.

TemperaturePredicted state
Given temperature < melting pointSolid
Given temperature is between melting and boiling pointsLiquid
Given temperature > boiling pointGas


The melting point of oxygen is -218掳C and its boiling point is -183掳C. Predict the state of oxygen at -200掳颁.

Limitations of the particle model

The particle model assumes that particles are solid spheres with no forces between them. However:

  • particles are not solid, since atoms are mostly empty space
  • many particles are not spherical

Extended syllabus content: Difference between boiling and evaporation

If you are studying the Extended syllabus, you will also need to know the difference between boiling and evaporation. Click 'show more' for this content:

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Test your knowledge with this quiz on thermal properties.

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