Part-time work
Practise speaking French by listening to these questions and answers on the topic of Employability. Have a go at expanding on the suggested answers.
Est-ce que tu as un petit boulot?
Do you have a part-time job?
Oui, je travaille les samedis dans un petit magasin comme vendeuse. 脟a me pla卯t parce que j鈥檃ime le contact avec les autres gens.
Yes, I work every Saturday in a small shop as a sales assistant. I like it because I enjoy contact with other people.
Non, je n鈥檃i pas de petit boulot parce que je n鈥檃i pas assez de temps. Je fais partie d鈥檜ne 茅quipe de natation et je dois m鈥檈ntra卯ner les week-ends.
No, I don鈥檛 have a part-time job, because I don鈥檛 have enough time. I am in a swimming club and have to train every weekend.