Talking about a variety of topics in French requires a knowledge of vocabulary, an awareness of grammar and the ability to use a dictionary effectively.
Practise speaking French by listening to these questions and answers on the topic of Learning. Have a go at expanding on the suggested answers.
Decris une journ茅e typique.
Describe a typical day.
Le jour commence 脿 neuf heures et finit 脿 quatre heures. J鈥檃i huit cours par jour et chaque cours dure environ cinquante minutes. Il y a une r茅cr茅ation 脿 onze heures et quart et la pause d茅jeuner est 脿 une heure et demie.
The day starts at 0900 and finishes at 1600. I have eight lessons a day and each lesson lasts about 50 minutes. There is a break at 1115 and lunchtime is at 1330.