
Rhys Evans

Head of Corporate Affairs and Public Policy

Rhys Evans

Rhys is the Head of Corporate Affairs and Policy for 成人快手 Wales, responsible for managing a range of relationships with stakeholders, including government entities, regulatory bodies, industry groups, and the public in Wales. Rhys also leads for 成人快手 Wales on all editorial standards and compliance issues.

Rhys also led 成人快手 Wales on the development of Charter Review proposals and oversaw the digitisation of 成人快手 Wales archive as part of the move to Central Square. He was also instrumental in establishing the National Broadcast Archive for Wales, in partnership with the National Library of Wales and the National Lottery Heritage Foundation.

Rhys joined 成人快手 Wales as a researcher and worked in news and current affairs programming as a reporter and producer. Over 17 years he specialised in political programming and was Deputy Head of News and Current Affairs for six years, overseeing devolved and UK General Election Coverage. In 2021-22, Rhys was a journalist fellow at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.

Originally from Carmarthen, Rhys was educated at Penweddig Comprehensive in Aberystwyth and Hertford College Oxford where he read Modern History.

In 2006, Rhys won the Welsh Book of the Year Award for his biography of Welsh politician Gwynfor Evans.

Rhys is also a NED of Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol.

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