
Nia Morgan

Senior Finance Business Partner

Nia Morgan

As Senior Finance Business Partner, Nia is responsible for delivering effective financial management and providing advisory support to 成人快手 Cymru Wales. Nia works closely with the senior team driving forward change by defining financial strategy and aligning plans with the financial resources available to ensure best value for licence payers.

Nia is a Chartered Accountant and trained with Deloittes in Cardiff, before transferring to the Bermuda office.Prior to joining the 成人快手, Nia was Director of Finance at the Senedd/Welsh Parliament between 2016 and 2023 and was a Trustee of the Members of the Senedd Pension Scheme. She鈥檚 also held senior finance positions in the housing and health sectors. 

Originally from Seven Sisters,  she attended Ysgol Gyfun Ystalyfera and graduated from Cardiff University with a first class degree in Accounting and, more recently, an MBA. Nia lives in Swansea with her family.

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