life events
- Meena Alexander was born in
Allahabad in India in 1951 to a family of Syrian Christians.
- As a very young child she moved
back and forth between Allahabad in the North and Kerala on
the South west coast, where her parents came from.
- When she was five, her father
started to work in Sudan and she travelled by boat, with her
mother, to join him.
- As a girl in India, Alexander was
often expected to conform to traditional ways. In the Sudan
she received an English education, and went on to study
English at Khartoum University aged only thirteen. There she
wrote her first poems in English which were translated into
Arabic and published in a local newspaper.
- At eighteen she travelled to
England to study for a PhD and then returned to India to
teach at universities.
- She began to write and publish her
poetry. She met and fell in love with an American and within
three weeks of meeting they decided to marry.
- In 1979 she moved once again, this
time to live and work in the United States with her husband.
- She's now a Professor, living in Manhattan and has two
children. She's continued to write poetry and prose and
was only forty two when she wrote Fault Lines,
her autobiography, in which she traces her growth as a writer
and a woman.