Malcolm Doney on this week's theme 'My Best Bargain'.
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Malcolm Doney
Harvey Belovski
Rabbi Harvey Belovski joins Zoe Ball for today's Pause For Thought.
Aaron Moffat Jackman: "even though life can be difficult, there is something better waiting for me."
Reverend Aaron Moffat Jackman on this week's theme 'My Best Bargain'.
Steve Stockman: "The Beatles asked the questions my developing mind wanted to ask."
Steve Stockman on this week's theme 'My Best Bargain'.
Remona Aly: "Carry on through this journey of life."
Remona Aly joins Zoe Ball for today's Pause For Thought.
Habi Patel: "More easily felt than can be described."
Habi Patel on this week's theme 'My Best Bargain'.
Kate Bottley: "No one should ever feel the need to force themself to fit."
Reverend Kate Bottley joins Zoe Ball for today's Pause For Thought.
Sally Berkovic: "Life without wonder is not worth living."
Sally Berkovic on this week's theme 'One Hit Wonders'.
Rachel Thomas
Rachel Thomas joins Zoe Ball for today's Pause For Thought.
Rachel Mann: "I want to know the back-stories."
Reverend Rachel Mann on this week's theme 'One Hits Wonders'.
Christopher Landau: "Offering gifts that last forever."
Christopher Landau on this week's theme 'One Hit Wonders'.
Nima Suchak: "I was the same self then as I am here and now."
Nima Suchak on this week's theme 'One Hit Wonders'.
Trey Hall: "I believe God shows up in unexpected ways."
Trey Hall joins Zoe Ball for today's Pause For Thought.
Sally Berkovic: "That wretched broken ankle was actually a blessing."
Sally Berkovic on this week's theme 'Conquering Mountains'.
Archbishop of York: "God sharing what it is to be human."
The Archbishop of York joins Zoe Ball for today's Pause For Thought.
Dawn Saunders; "It isn鈥檛 the mountain we conquer but ourselves."
Dawn Saunders on this week's theme 'Conquering Mountains'.
Christopher Landau: "Found love at the heart of it all."
Christopher Landau on this week's theme 'Conquering Mountains'.
Alex Goldberg: "We can get past all this and reach the summit together".
Rabbi Alex Goldberg on this week's theme 'Conquering Mountains'.
Trey Hall: "The beat and lyrics hit me like Scripture."
Steve Chalke: Pandora's Box
Steve Chalke joins Zoe Ball for today's Pause for Thought
Anupma Parihar: Glory of Creation
Anupma Parihar on this week's theme Conquering Mountains
Aaron Moffat-Jackman: A Little Faith
Aaron Moffat-Jackman on this week's theme Conquering Mountains
Steve Stockman: Build on the Peace
Steve Stockman on this week's theme Conquering Mountains
Japsreet Kaur: Take the Time to Listen
Japsreet Kaur on this week's theme Conquering Mountains
Laura Marks: Dedicating Today to Life.
Laura Marks joins Zoe Ball for Today's Pause for Thought
Habi Patel: Snow Peaked Mountains
Habi Patel on this week's theme Conquering Mountains
Alby Chait: The Lights That We Kindle
Alby Chait joins Good Morning Sunday for today's Pause for Thought
Henrietta Blyth: Our Goodwill
Henrietta Blyth on this week's theme Christmas
Dawn Saunders: Star of the Story
Dawn Saunders on this week's theme Christmas
Miriam Lorie
Miriam Lorie on this week's theme 'Christmas'.
Jaspreet Kaur
Jaspreet Kaur on this week's theme 'Christmas'.