Is a global currency war getting closer? Read more
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Global Imbalances
Is a global currency war getting closer?
The future of flying
The future according to Airbus: greener planes with mood lighting and a Zen atmosphere
A gathering storm?
Hedge fund manager, Lee Robinson warns of a gathering storm in financial markets.
The big idea
Economist Hernando de Soto says giving land rights to the poor can kick-start economies
BP claims concerns
Ken Feinberg, compensation czar for the BP oil-spill, says many claims are undocumented
Re-wiring the future
Siemens boss Peter L枚scher talks about how 'a smart grid' can save power
How will the axe fall?
How will the cuts in British government spending affect the economy?
Germany bounces back
Why is Germany's economy doing better than that of its rivals?
Foreclosure flaws
The growing scandal of how Americans lost their homes on the basis of false paperwork
Louisiana oilman blues
Gloom among Louisiana oil firms, plus heady optimism from business professor Srikumar Rao
Middle class angst
Does America's middle class feel worst hit by recession, and is market research bunkum?
Road to recovery?
More than $80 billion later, was last year's US car bail-out worth all the cash?
Quantitative easing
Will America's central bank use quantitative easing to pump new money into the economy?
Stimulus, mid-terms and China
What has the $800 billion stimulus money actually done?
Cost of Pakistan floods
Entrepreneur James Caan says the cost of rebuilding Pakistan is far larger than expected
Africa for sale
Sierra Leone's President tells us why he's opening all doors to foreign investment.
Burma and Ireland finances
Where's the money coming from to keep the Burmese military in power?
The daily drama of money and work from the 成人快手.
Global currency wars?
Is the world edging towards a trade war over exchange rates? If so, why?
Basel III doubters
Will the Basel III bank reforms keep the world safe? Plus, China's view on currency wars.
What do summits achieve?
As world leaders collect for another contentious summit, we ask what do G20s achieve?
G20 currency wars
Andrew Walker reports from Seoul on currency wars, plus, are G20 nations protectionist?
Soaring gold prices
As gold prices hit record highs, is the bubble about to pop? Plus why we trust banknotes
High cotton prices
The impact of high cotton prices, plus is it acceptable to eat breakfast at your desk?
The Kilkenomics festival
Comedy and misery from Ireland's Kilkenomics festival. Plus, has Greek austerity worked?
China's empty homes
China's ghost towns full of empty homes, plus why humans will lose money to gain revenge
Tax avoidance
We investigate the practice of double dipping, which has nothing to do with the recession.
Offshore financial centres
How big companies channel money into low-tax nations such as Ireland, to boost profits