Why companies are finding it hard to get bank loans to expand. Read more
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Bank Loan Woes
Why companies are finding it hard to get bank loans to expand.
Hard Times: The cost of austerity
Will European cuts in government spending send the world economy back towards recession?
The wealth of Afghanistan
Huge reserves of essential minerals have been discovered - but how can they be exploited?
China's Challenges
Can China forge ahead if economies which buy its exports are hampered by austerity cuts?
Globish Rules
The rise of English, or 'Globish' as the international language of business.
Puritanism and profligacy
Is Germany resolutely tackling its budget deficit sensibly or just cutting too far?
Africa Without Borders: But What About Bumps in the Road?
A new common market opens in East Africa. How it might improve livelihoods?
Shock and Ore
Steelmakers accuse miners of forcing up prices of their key raw material, iron ore.
Steady state Japan?
Are Japan's economic troubles driving its young people to leave the country?
Too gloomy?
Are we too pessimistic? Europe may have an austerity drive, but much of Asia is booming.
The daily drama of money and work from the 成人快手.
Mick, money and music
Mick Jagger tells the 成人快手 that artists made big money only from 1970 to 1997. Is he right?
How high will unemployment go?
The head of the OECD on global joblessness. Plus bombs and business in Pakistan.
Lobbying Battles
How much have US financial reforms been watered down by effective industry lobbying?
China's new economy
Can China forge a new economic model, inventing its own hi-tech products?
A Fistful of Yuan
Does the weakness of China's currency really lead to the loss of American factory jobs?
Banks Under Pressure
How local politicians who ran regional banks in Spain and Germany took the wrong risks.
Hard Times: Is Franchising the Answer?
The dos and don'ts of a franchise. And Lucy Kellaway passes a milestone. Plus Gawker.
Risk of death
How can companies and governments assess life and death risks?
Dangers in the Dust
The global asbestos industry and the campaign to ban its use on health grounds.
African corruption
Can the gains of corruption be recovered once the corrupt rulers have gone?
Banks: Money and Morals.
Niall Ferguson on Siegmund Warburg. What could today's bankers learn from him? Morality?
Iran: The Business of Revolution.
How did the Revoutionary Guard become a huge economic enterprise? A founder tells us.
All in the mind
Why do we spend less if we have a big note rather than smaller ones.
America's Stimulus
America's 787 billion dollar stimulus package, is it working? Steve Evans finds out.
BP's Chairman Speaks Out
The first interview with Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg after BP's boardroom shake-up.
Blood Diamonds, Twitter - And Legal Cannabis.
What to do about alleged violence around a Zimbabwe diamond mine. Plus, pot and Twitter.
Is the internet best for the young .... and younger?
How do young people drive innovation? And technology insights from Google Ghana's boss.
Banks, Beaches and Brazilians
Are bankers being wise or just self-interested with the latest plans for banking reform?