Episode 1
Sue Perkins shows and tells nature with her guests. Read more
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Series 1
Sue Perkins shows and tells nature with her guests.
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Series 2
Series 3
Series 4
1: Dogs, Ducks and a Chunk of the Moon
Ducks’ super vaginas wow the guests.
2: Crime-solving brambles and radioactive houseplants
Forensic botany and scheming water lilies dazzle on this botanical special.
3: Dubstep Camels and Super Sea Spiders
The sea spider’s ability to regrow its anus wows the audience.
4: Super Snails and Party Beetles
Snails and their multi-purpose mucus wow the audience.
5: Elton John Horseflies and Supersonic Fungi
Time to meet nipple-eyed horseflies, dungi and ant-decapitating flies.
6: Giant Giraffes and Raucous Ruffs
Time to meet our tallest land animal, the giraffe, and theatrical bird, the ruff.