Spiritual thoughts from across the world
World Service,路1097 episodes
Thoughts on Mid-Sha'ban, the 15th day of the month of Sha'ban in the Islamic calendar
18 Jan 1993,路3 mins
The many Hindu festivals that seek to celebrate and reveal the glories of nature and God
19 Jan 1993,路4 mins
The build up to the Chinese New Year, including firecrackers and the cleaning of houses
22 Jan 1993,路3 mins
The Christian festival when candles are blessed to make them a symbol of faith
26 Jan 1993,路4 mins
Sister Lavinia Byrne suggests that "fasting links Christians to their Lord"
Vinay Samuel speaks about the relationship between Jesus and his disciples
26 Jan 1993,路3 mins
Thoughts on Shrove Tuesday - shrove meaning to hear or make confession
Vinay Samuel speaks about religion, personal experience and self worth
The history, meaning, and cultural importance of the Chinese Lantern Festival
01 Feb 1993,路4 mins
The history and meaning of the Buddhists holy day Parinirvana
01 Feb 1993,路3 mins
Charles le Gai describes how his faith in the Koran informs the way deals with injustice
02 Feb 1993,路4 mins
Chaplain Michael Lapsley on the need for forgiveness in South Africa
02 Feb 1993,路3 mins
How striking a balance in Islam requires patience and detachment
As Islamic perspective on suffering, injustice, and paradise
Atheism and unbelievers - and what some religions have to say about them
Vinay Samuel on why Christianity spread so quickly in the 1st Century
16 Feb 1993,路3 mins
Rabbi Hugo Gryn talks about the Jewish festival of Passover
23 Feb 1993,路3 mins
Raficq Abdulla wonders at his perception of the divine following a general anaesthetic
02 Mar 1993,路4 mins
Rafiq Abdullah on how a close encounter with death forced him to rethink his life
02 Mar 1993,路3 mins
Raficq Abdulla reflects on God, death, and his own "bubble of consciousness"
03 Mar 1993,路4 mins
Reflections on dealing with emotional wounds from the past
23 Mar 1993,路4 mins
Reflections on the words Jesus spoke in the Gospel According to John
How trust in God's love and goodness can be tested by tragedy
How reflecting on the meaning of Lent can transform a fear of death
Thoughts on the founder of Baha'i's claim to be the promised one
13 Apr 1993,路4 mins
Father Sergei Hackel reflects upon the essays of Francis Bacon
15 Apr 1993,路3 mins
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, an old tradition in Moscow is revived
Vinay Samuel wonders why people discard those who have let them down
04 May 1993,路4 mins
Comparing the way the world treats children with Christ's message
04 May 1993,路3 mins
How the subject of blood is manipulated in arguments about ethnic character