Christmas clear out
Posted: Wednesday, 06 December 2006 |
If it aint broke don't fix it, that's my motto and it's done me no harm. I just get used to the way of doing something and then it gets changed, bring back the Luddites, and the belt, it never did me any harm,
thewhitesettler from a bit unsettled
If you clear out the old blogs how are me and Flying Cat going to go snorkelling in the archives? I looked at the new layout, and thought 'why change it?' and then realised the blogs in white were the ones I hadn't read. There's a good idea. Is it just me that doesn't get pictures anymore?
Nic from Coll
Wed 13th December Nothing has happened on the site today. Is this the sort of fedback you are looking for? It never happened when you were single Ann, or did it?
calumannabel from Lewis