moving to westray
Posted: Sunday, 20 April 2008 |
Ha, what a nice invitation, I'd like to negotiate but the air fares back and forth to the family would ruin me. Hope you get some nice family moving in soon.
Barney from Swithiod a latecomer
Dear Pasties, it's so nice to see a Westray blog at last. I was beginning to wonder if I needed to come back in disguise. I hope you find a nice couple for your croft. Hope it's all going well up there. Missing the wind (honest!!). MC is missing all the rabbits and a free and open cat flap.
MadLamb from Doon Sooth
hi myself wife and 2 children under 5,have lived on westray for a year now , we love it. i am a sculpture of stone, allso renavasion of all stone work, and wold love to have a small croft,and plasce to work on my art, pleace get in touch this sounds just the job.......
Alan crofts from westray
i am still intrested can you email me on if you are still interested in renting your croft . we love being on westray and hope to get in contact soon
Alan crofts from westray
Alan. Don't know if your still interested as since i spoke to you I heard you have now got a secure tennancy but If you are still interested in your own space there is a place called East Hammar for sale on Westray with 20 acres. House is a hovel but grants....
Westray Aak from Westray
would love the info on East Hammar please email me on
angela westray from north east england
Hi all, only just worked out how to use computer again. Thank you for all your comments and we would still like to hear from anybody interested in moving to Westray.
Pastiesofwestray from Westray