At last It's Arrived
Posted: Saturday, 01 December 2007 |
It's all coming together Fred. It's like a giant jigsaw puzzle, let's hope there's no pieces missing Fred.
Tws from Indoors Today
What a palaver Fred! But glad things arrived eventually. Kitchen looks nice, lovely and bright. No doubt you'll have finished the tiling by the time you get this :-) I see Holly is wearing moons and stars on her top, did you manage to get them on her bedroom wall? Your bottles of oil etc are a nice touch.
Jill from EK
well that's the sort of service I have come to expect from many companies unfortunately but I am glad to see you put the pressure on and got something sorted, it's all looking good especially when I think of the early photos with the rayburn, hard to believe its the same room really, your doing a great job,
island threads from ness
Well, bull dog vociferous on the telephone and one heck of a handyman, that's Fred. # Old boy, you are AMAZING. # Nice daughter with a good thumbs up attitude. How does she like her school? # The logistics - and the costs, I assume - of getting things to the islands seem to be quite horrendous. # Congratulations. I expect Sarah is pleased.
mjc from NM,USA
Reminds me of a trip to Ikea some years ago. Customer in front of me was arranging delivery to Cork, from Braehead by the way. Can you deliver to Orkney say's I brightly, knowing the answer in advance having read the notice on the wall." No," says the wee nyaff behind the desk ,"we don't do the Western Isles." "Ah! says I. Just two points. One Orkney is not in the Western Isles and two, how come you can deliver to Cork which is not only a similar ferry ride from mainland Scotland but is also in another country." Poor wee soul didnae ken.
Hyper-Borean from Noikeahea
It's going to be fantabulous!
Flying Cat from a c**p twenty-year-old kitchen
A 20 year old kitchen is something to hold on to for at least another generation. "Distressed" (clothing, doors, furniture, etc) is in fashion. You could use the cleaver artistically to give it the right look. # Why people (such as my wife) want to do away with a good old kitchen puzzles me. I don't say anything: after all, she is the one wielding the cleaver.
mjc from NM,USA
Thanks tws I know you have seen the organised chaos here, its nice to have everything now put away, as soon as I had a row of units up....Sarah was behind me filling them lol. Jill, im not that quick (am I) the worktops are arriving today Wednesday, so I will fit then by tomorrow, then cut in the sink unit, tiling will take alittle longer as I have to pick one we like then order them...may take me till after xmas, but you never know. As to Hollys wall yes I did paint the love "Heart and stars" Holly's works I will send you a pic on email. Thanks IT...yes it does look alittle different now. mjc Getting things done here is not to bad as I do it all my self lol, can be a bit frustrated at times, but you have to which priorities around quite alot, as for the kids they are doing really well thank you, Holly social calender is fantastic, Tuesday evening learning music, Wed this week panto, Thursday Browies gosh im exhaulted already... but they are doing very well thank you, and yes even though Sarah was quite poorly on the weekend (a bug) she kept on emptying those boxes. H-B nice one. Thanks fc
Fred from Point
Its like a new store opening Fred Nothing arrives when you want it to Oh! and what your self oh those steps your rear end has got a bit larger since you left the hustle and bustle of old blighty lol
Lou from Nursing home
It looks quite nicely proportioned to us. Infinitely preferable to the two-billiard-balls-in-the-back-pockets variety.
Flying Cat from getting to the bottom of things
Hey it !!!! in losing weight mate you can now see my 3 pack turning into a 6 pack, all my clothes are falling of me at the moment.....Im wearing braces to keep them up? Sorry ladies on IB, if it blows the image.
Fred from Losing weight?
Is that so, Lou? Come on Fred, dig into your archives, and let's have pictures from the past two years. We want to see whether Lou is right. If she is, must be the Lewis Diet. Mutton, more mutton, and imported Reestit on Sundays.
mjc from NM,USA
There might be a calendar in this...
Flying Cat from posing for the liff-drawing class
mjc....I was 16 stone 2 years ago now 14 stone but firm, My clothes are getting baggy.....but does not matter at the moment as im using these old clothes for doing the refurbishment.. Ive gone through 3 pairs of jeans at the moment and 4 polo tops. Lou by the way is a Man.
fred from Fredkins Diet
Mjc has this rather Freudian desire to feminise everyone willy-nilly, I have noticed...
Flying Cat from a hard stare
So, Lou is Louie rather than Louise. Good for him. I thought that the notice taken of Fred's stupendous behind (how do you do, Fred, old pal?) was the work of a female connoisseur. Too much wok, and not enough work, Fred, that's my considered judgment.
mjc from NM,USA
That's what you say, Fred. We want to see pictures. If your pants don't go three quarters way down your boxer shorts, you are not quite in style. I assume that you have taken to wearing McDonald tartan shorts since moving to Lewis, right?
mjc from NM,USA
A thong would be more effective...
Flying Cat from on thong
I don't think the natives would put up with a soothmoother wearing solid colored thongs on Sundays. Fred does not want to have the citizenry accompany him to the next scheduled mainland bound ferry. Not before he has suffered through a Lewis winter anyway. Isn't that so, Fred meboy?
mjc from NM,USA
A thong on me would be like a cheese cutter (enough of that image) mjc that is right test the winter first then Long Johns are in order lol
Fred from Eye's watering
What a graphic image! So reminiscent of the old Billy Connolly joke about parking bikes...
Flying Cat from it's Parky out
Do Long Johns come with defroster settings in the Isle of Lewis, Fred? # Daughter swears that, when I emailed the address for placing an order for the Lewis's Peat Calendar, I wrote "Isle of Man" as terminal address (which, not knowing better, she duly wrote) - but that the PO code doubtless saved my gizzards. Must have been a Freudian slip on my part. She brought the calendar home, having been strongly advised by her college mates that hanging it in the Porter's Lodge would cause undue commotion.
mjc from NM,USA
mjc......Sarah told me about that calender? Hey maybe tws and I could go on that with our crinkley bottoms, or for the American ladies BUTT.
Fred from blushing
THAT is a step too far Fred!
Flying Cat from feeling slightly green about the gills
Fred Hi. Got sent the link to the blog by Chrisann over the back. I used to live next door at number 20 about 20 years ago and at that time your house belonged to an archaeologist who we knew as Mary Bones. I've just finished reading your blogs and am a bot homesick for Aird now. We were last there visiting 3 and a half years ago and do miss it, so much so that we have sought out another Island here in NZ which bears no resemplance to Lewis but is very beautiful too. Look forward to hearing how the house is progressing but you've done really well so far.
John Doherty from Waiheke Island, Auckland, New Zealand