Good Progress
Posted: Sunday, 14 October 2007 |
Great stuff, Fred, what excellent progress you're making. Also, your garden will look nice once you get rid of your building rubbish. I see the chicks in the background! Will they be OK outside in the winter? (I know nothing about hens.)
Jill from EK
Who's going to be Head Gardener?
Flying Cat from eyeing up the policies
Hi Fred. I have been following your blog since the start with a personal interest since my wife and I intend to follow you in just over two years times and move to the Western Isles. I did post a response to your 'kitchen' blog but it never appeared, let's hope this fares better. I was interested to know where you got all your kitchen units from and also your shed. Have these been bought in Stornoway or from the mainland? I know that Silversprite in Berneray has mentioned someone there bought his shed on the Internet! Also I assume there must be a reasonable builders merchant in Stornoway even though the 'big' companies from the mainland don't have branches there. I have read one or two moans about builders/building supplies there but you seem to be doing okay. The decision is made but reading various blogs all helps with our planning and impressions of Lewis. We live vicariously through blogs such as yours until 2010!
Les Ellingham from Stafford
Fred, what is that weird brown contraption outside? It looks like a two stage Russian rocket, but probably is an island smoker (to give guga that added peaty flavor): looks big enough to be a decompressing chamber. Surely it's not a water heater? It could be a commercial pop-corn popper: are you planning to build a movie theater before the year is out, Fred.
mjc from NM, USA
mjc.....its an old copper water heater tank, called immersion heater, maybe I can use it for moonshine? LOL no movie theater here house is too small.
Fred from Point
成人快手 made moonshine? You may need it to get through the winter in Lewis, Fred old boy! (yes, kidding: I don't want a posse from Lewis baying for me in the quiet high desert of NM).
mjc from NM, USA
You may very well prefer the coyotes!
Flying Cat from in knox
There must be another house in the garden by least...
Flying Cat from The Sunroom of Eternity
Nah, Fred is waiting a wee while longer: in a week's time he'll uncover the fattest pumpkin Lewis/Harris ever produced, grown speedo under his new poly tunnel. Let's have a pic. of pumpkin in progress, Fred.
mjc from NM,USA
fc.... just doing the bits and bobs before the kitchen arrives, except I am ready for it now the lead in time, was around 4 weeks, so i will think of something else to do.........oh I know the roof? before winter
Fred from Point