Hi there
Posted: Tuesday, 09 October 2007 |
You're doing well so far ...keep going!
Anne from IBHQ
welcome to the mad ,mad world of ib!! If you are not already crazy,you soon will be!
carol from over here
Maybe next time you could use a few more words in your weblog posting, then if you have a digi-cam you can add pictures ( Fc's fpu does a lot of digi-caming, in and around Orkney'ssss) Good luck mizzwhitty...
Thewhitesettler from Mainland Lewis
Well if you got this far that's half the battle...
Flying Cat from curiosity cott
Lookee who is giving lessons on posting words and pictures: TWS. Isn't he the one who posted a BLANK ... that finally ended up with a massive response, some off the mark.
mjc from NM, USA
Offshore View from other side of the screen
That was an error mjc, and it was Anne's fault. I've got my eye on you mjc.
Tws from Blankity Blank
Anne from IBHQ
A good beginning!! A few sentences each day with a laugh or three intertwined, a little bit of news or useless comment, and you are on your way to having a large contigent of readers. Keep on keeping on!
Plaid from Outback Oz
Oi yerself!
Tws from QBHI
If you are going to give me the eye, TWS, make sure that monocle is well fixed. The power of 2, or some such.
mjc from NM, USA
Tch! Really children, behave!
Flying Cat from borrowing Tch! from AnnieB
"Well if you got this far that's half the battle... Flying Cat from curiosity cott". If past is prologue, FC, surely you meant to write: "that's half the bottle"? # As the documentarian-to-be of the voices for the western isles (cf. relevant blog) knows by now thanks to FC u.s.w.: you participate in a battle, you partake of the bottle.
mjc from NM, USA
Anne started it FC. And mjc, it's a glass eye.
Tws from The Blame Game
Don't drop it in your chantie Tws, you'll get a h*ll of a fright in the middle of the night.
Flying Cat from a gordian knot
Peter Falk, who played Columbo, had a glass eye. Legend tells his party trick was to take it out in cafes and plonk it in his drink. Welcome to IB, I`m on Sanday meself. :-)
Hermit from Sanday
Get aff o' Sandy HL. Ooops, sorry I didn't see the second a. A bit like cctv I think.
Tws from The cleaners
I understand that sometimes Columbo would plonk his glass eye into the suspect's drink, which would lead quickly to confession. The Supreme Court finally opined that such an act constituted cruel and unsual punishment. See: the United States against IB.
mjc from NM, USA
Many thanks gang for the warm and positive welcoming noises coming my way, I will certainly continue to add my bit so to speak.
mizzwhitty from Finstown
Welcome to an IB tradition----blog hijacking!
TiredFather from ThatsafactJack
It's a compliment vouchsafed only to the honoured few.
Flying Cat from waiting to hear more from mizwhitty
Mizzwhitty, reading you loud and clear, all the way in California. I'll be watching for more.
CVBruce from CA, USA