成人快手 Once More
Posted: Thursday, 12 June 2008 |
Clearly you all had a wonderful time. I expect everyone is happy, and also thankful to you for organizing the adventure. Nice pic. of you and Dag. The children on that trip are lucky!
mjc from NM,USA
Thanks ruth for a great blog and the photos are brilliant. i'm glad you all enjoyed yourselvesxxcarol
carol from over here
What a wonderful blog, Ruth! And how lovely that you met up with Dag. Island Blogging spans the globe, or at least the North Sea. Terrific photos, thank you. (Especially for the pic of Utsire! North or South?)
Jill from EK
Ohhh you lucky lucky so & so !! I've sailed round FI on the swan & boy would I love to go on a long trip & really see her bloom.
Angela from The green room
Thanks for the comments! Should o said before, also thanks to John, Marianne, and the bairns for some o those pics.
Ruthodanort from unst
What a wonderful trip. I am sure the pupils will remember it for ever and what an experience for them.
Hyper-Borean from The green (with envy ) corner.
Thank you to you Shetlanders for visiting us and the our school in Dirdal. The young folk were so friendly and polite. Their parents can be very proud of them.This was a great experience for them. I wish we could do the same with our students. But the visit to Dirdal was made possible thanks to you, Ruth and Island Blogging. To Eddie, I'm wearing the the Shetland-flag pin all the time.
Dag from Norway
Forgoodnessake you've upchucked overnighting on the Statsrad Lemkuh H-B, what more could a grizzled old seadog want!l
Flying Cat from a sardonic grin
Glad you enjoyed your trip - will we see you at the Johnsmas Foy? Consort & I looking forward to our trip to Norkse Land
Soljey from Shetland Mainland
Yo Ho Ho? FC!
Hyper-Borean from The Apple Barrel
My comments won't cross the North Sea, but I'll try again. It was a great experience to meet you Shetlanders. We had great time together. The student from Baltasound school behaved so well. They were friendly and polite. Their parents can be proud of them. Thank you to IB and most
Dag from Norway
My comments won't cross the North Sea, but I'll try again. It was a great experience to meet you Shetlanders. We had a great time together. The students from Baltasound school behaved so well. They were friendly and polite. Theit parents can be proud of them.Thank you to IB and you Ruth.Without you it wouldn't been possible. To Eddie, I'm wearing the Shetland flag pin all the time.
Dag from Norway