Month of Decisions
Posted: Thursday, 17 January 2008 |
Hello Arnish, I thought I'd tell you that I too take photos of war memorials, although I haven't got very far with my research. I used to take study groups to the Western Front. It always strikes me when you see memorials with tens of names on them in a place with only a handful of houses. I read once that of all the countries that fought in WWI, Scotland sent the most eligible men, per head of population. It's very sad to think of these small island communties losing their young men. Have you ever seen the memorial in Strontian? It's a cracker. Good luck with the research!
Stromness Dragon from The Side of the Road
Gus Wylie's book of photographs shows the exact setting of your photo of Cross save for two little girls on their way to Sunday School. It shows how little the scene has changed.
calum from lewis
I put a comment on here two days ago but it's got lost
calum from between a rock and a soft place
CalMac bottle it again!!!!!!
swampy from Derbyshire
It once was lost but now is found...
Flying Cat from amazingly graceful
Oh yeah, FC? You must be trying your hand at fiction writing. 'course it could be a case of "now you see it, now you don't." Aaah, that Barbados rum...
mjc from NM,USA
So Caledonian MacBrayne are still dithering? What a surprise. And what is the latest news about the impending job losses at Stornoway Airport? Are they closing down? Will you all soon be prisoners on a Sunday?
Coral from Ullapool
re the planning application for the North Lewis Windfarm - its very very surprising to see the way the news about ministers knocking back the plan has been leaked - I say leaked because really the decision hasn't been announced yet. Does anyone else get the distinct feeling we are being set up for an attempt to re-run a Donald Trump type moment and drum up some sort of public outcry by the anti-peat-carbon-sink lobby?
sid from glasgow
Goodness me, what can have engendered such a sceptical position?
Flying Cat from rhetorical Q