Sunday sailings
Posted: Thursday, 02 August 2007 |
I am not sure how all the incomers to the Celtic Folkfest seem to have become the focus group for Sunday sailings into Lewis. I cannot imagine many of the potential objectors were 'moshing' at the concerts. This seems to have been a back door attempt by one section of the population to impose change on another by stealth.
calumannabel from ness
There are no arguments against Sunday ferry sailings,CalMac can and will provide the service,people want it,the Islands will benefit, get on with it. Arnish , if you don't want to go to a supermarket on a sunday you don't have to you know.
swampy from Derbyshire
Hear hear!
Flying Cat from co-operatively yours
Swampy, Was merely listing arguments for and against. I am slanted in favour, but respect those that are not.
Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway
Sunday service is fine, swampy. Christians of all stripes as well as non believers go to Sunday services, whether provided by Calmac or Hellfire and Brimstone pulpit bangers.
mjc from NM,USA
sunday sailings and sunday shops opening are only of benefit to those who live in Stornoway or own a car, so if these things happen then other public transport must be provided or many people will be discriminated against, due to a lack of early morning public transport many people cannot get into Stornoway for the first ferry sailing of the day, what is the point of another ferry service only 'some' people have the option of using?
island threads from by the Butt of lewis
Interesting point, IT. Would not the ferry service providers have an interest in pushing for such public transportation connection? The more passengers, the merrier - I should think.
mjc from NM,USA
no mjc, they don't make much money from foot passengers it's the cars, lorries etc. that earn the money,
island threads from lewis