Health Board news
Posted: Wednesday, 28 March 2007 |
i hope you will gat a new gp soon--over here young doctors don't want to come to rural areas-no night life far from the city etc. they bdon't know what they are missing!!
carol from france,
It has actually been over 25 years that he has been serving the area and he has been a registered doctor for 45 years. it is with great reluctance that they are leaving the area but feel it is time. I say this with some knowledge as I am their daughter :o)
Kelly Barker from Gravir, South Lochs
The GP is actually keen to point out it's over 25 years he has been serving the community and 45 years as a registered doctor. I know for a fact that they are going to miss the people and the area but feel it is time to go :o)
charminglochie from South Lochs
Kelly , wow I am really gonna have to watch what I say on Island blogging if your reading it!
mark from Interconnector Landing Point