Windfarm approved
Posted: Thursday, 15 February 2007 |
Good posting once again Arnish. Lewis has a small population. Have the council thought of the impact of something like 7% of the island's population coming to work on Glumag plus the same for the construction of the windfarms? Can the local health service cope? We know the anwer to that. Most of the labour will be imported so will pay no community charge. The pubs will no doubt prosper and the police will need to build more cells. The council have shown themselves to be a self seeking bunch - no surprise there then - who do not represent their voters. Well done to the eight councillors who saw through this. North Yorkshire Count Council this week rejected plans out of hand for a wind farm - they have all the same depopulation and economic issues but the moors will continue to be enjoyed by millions who bring in revenue all year round. While there are many obstacles before this 'farm' becomes reality, the Wilsons and Darlings of the world will no doubt be able to smooth things through with a few judicious phone calls. The difficult bit has been done- forcing a decision down the islanders' throats against their wills.
calumannabel from amecmy****
Didn't I read a comment somewhere that a councillor replying to one of your posts implied all the councillors were in favour? Or was he spinning? The problem with all debates in this contentious area is that the various protagonists do seem to come up with half truths and sometimes deliberate lies.
hrossey from Mainland Orkney
hrossey: it is true that the councillors not on the Environmental Services committee were not entitled to vote at that meeting, but they did indicate that they would vote against the windfarm application at the full council meeting, and they did, bless 'em. Cue another several years of letters in the Gazette, community bustups and more complete sh*te from the West Highland Free Press...
Charabanc from Lewis
I'm not from Lewis so probably ill -informed and not qualified to comment. My gut feeling , however, is that the decision by the council is wrong.The islands can be self supporting and energy rich. The proposal makes the islands industrial and unattractive.Sustainable energy could be virtually free on the island without "selling your souls".Please dont allow this to happen.I hope to visit again without industrialisation of the island.
David Hall from Stirling