Delivery charges - continued
Posted: Tuesday, 19 December 2006 |
I do not purchase any items that has an "island surcharge". I once asked why and was told that the local carriers have to be paid too. There are a few companies that deliver FOC, and there are some that haven't a clue where we are.
thewhitedettler from in hiding
I was once about to be charged 拢18 for delivery of a smallish computer accessory during an online purchase, by a company that used to charge the same for delivery to the Hebrides as to anywhere else. I wrote to them saying I wouldn't be buying anything else from them (for all the good that did, they're still at it) and bought elsewhere. I find Amazon to be superb - free delivery for orders over 拢15 and usually pretty fast too. It pays to shop around online and vote with your feet on companies that charge excessively.
Colin Oscapaidh from Lewis
Quite agree, have no truck with the surchargers. I have, so far, always manged to find alternative suppliers. We are probably too few in number for a mini boycott to have a great financial effect but who knows?
Hyper-Borean from The mobile shop
Here at emporio alanjohn in Lionel there are no delivery charges. Nevr have been and never will be. We have a successful twoArgyll wellies for the price of one offer on at the moment.
alanjohn from emporiolionel
Arnish you have to stop getting into a latehr over matters like this - we now have the Soaplady of Lewis to get into a lather on our behalf. Warmest wishes for a blogtastic 07. I have a Dutch friend who is very scathing about anything not from the Pays Bas. He says. 'If it aint Dutch, it aint much.' Is this the sort of European banter you are looking for?
calumarnhembell from The Wishing Well Habost
Calum, reciprocal greetings of the season to you up in Ness as well. What with the damp weather, I can't help getting all steamed up about delivery charges. Just as well we've got the NHS delivering free health care, otherwise pregnant mums might get all in a premature tizz as well. By the way, I rant to get people to take notice and push for improvement. I'm only a little torch in the world of lighthouses.
Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway
"If it ain't Dutch, it ain't much." Calum. That's a good one. Thanks for sharing ( 'tis the season for it, methinks).
mjc from NM,USA