NHS Western Isles
Posted: Tuesday, 31 October 2006 |
A report in the Stornoway Gazette this week states that the 3 Medical Directors remain. Above post was written using information obtained AFTER the deadline for SG articles closed (Monday, 1pm).
Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway
I vote we sell every bit of medical equipment in the hospital and I shall buy vinegar and brown paper from emporioalanjohn and that should sove the problem. This is where the NHS is going wrong - no one recognises the true worth of vinegar.
calumannabel from finance director in waiting
Some people recognise the true worth of vinegar. As a cleaning agent it takes some beating, but, please note, scrubbers online, newspaper beats brown hands down when it comes to windows. Or maybe that should be Newspaper beats Brown.......but only if the Sun turns nasty. Oxymoron Alert!
Flying Cat from The Scrubbers' Cupboard Belowstairs
I agree with Calumannabel, my washing machine just loves to drink neat vinegar after a mouthful of soapsuds.
BoB from Lewis
Arnish, can i ask whatever happened to you wonderful webcam, I really miss it.
GrannyE. DBE.RM from Auchenshuggle
genral comment for arnish. you dont seem to be posting as much as you used to.
rick from point
Is Oxymoron a detergent that you get in the Shetlands. I've looked on the shelves in Somerfield's and the Coop but no sign
calumannabel from tigh tesco ness
Yes, I noticed Arnish's decrease in productivity. Missed the postings.
mjc from NM,USA
Solecism Warning Light activated! Look here, I know it is quite right and proper to say 'The Western Isles', but oop here in t'North tha says 'Orkney' and 'Shetland'. Oxymoron is that white powdery stuff which comes in a plastic tub and penetrates every known stain with pure oxygen. Don't know if they have such sophistications in Shetland. Bipeds set to find out in early May, if they stay sober. ish.
Flying Cat from wordfinder wonderland
We get solecism warnings over here too - Donald says drinking plenty of cranberry juice usually helps.
calumannabel from One Flu over the Cuckoo's Nest Lewis
It maintains the cytisus (var. prostatus) in tiptop condition too. Scranberrying = berrypicking in Shetland.........I hope this keeps Donald off the thesaursauce.
Flying Cat from gardy-loo laptop