Western Farce
Posted: Wednesday, 19 July 2006 |
The situation sounds dire. Group therapy might do the trick. If not, there is always the Tower followed by the chopping block or the stake, preceded by the rack (of course). However, if you folks could spare a boat (with or without oars), the miscreants could be dumped in one and sent on the briny waves to make their way west (to Canada, if you please, not the good ole US of A).
mjc from NM,USA
mjc, just what did the Canadians do to wish that lot on them? Be careful what you say, I've relatives there & some have been known to go hunting....
jas from central belt
Hi Jas! I've nothing against Canadians ["Some of my best friends are Canadians" Hi! hi! LOL (how about THAT Arnish?!)].
mjc from NM,USA
OK mjc, I'll let you off this time ;) maybe we could send them to look for Atlantis? Help them develop their organisational skills!!!
jas from central belt