Sunday - 3
Posted: Wednesday, 22 February 2006 |
I always read your blogs with great interest. Where are you originally from? :-)
steph from Edinburgh
I can't remember my religious geography of the Western Isle. Is it not the case that some areas are protestant (Lewis) and some catholic (Harris)? Are there also similar divisions in the south string of the Long Island. Catholics seem to be a bit more flexible than protestants. (PS Do I get prosecuted for saying that?)
hrossey from Mainland Orkney
Is that Stornoway on a flag day?
ED Mcreadie from The Bacon Counter Castlebay Coop
Yeah, Sunday civilization why not. Well truth is the Island Sabbath day when families can relax and enjoy normal family activities like travel, visit sites of interest, sport centres, ice cream and football, art/drama events, that is definately on its way, just a matter of time. However Island people working together for the common good, sorry that is asking too much.
Didano Tellya from Deep dark trench - Stornoway
Yes you're quite right about Uist Arnish, in fact all the supermarkets in Benbecula and South Uist are open for a while at least on Sundays, the leisure centre is open, all the pubs and restaurants too. You can hang your washing out or dig your garden without a second thought! South Uist is predominantly Catholic of course, and people there get really frustrated, not just by the Sabbatarian rules imposed by the (as they see it) Lewis dominated Comhairle, but also the fact that visitors tend to view the Western Isles as a single entity and consequently they are tarred by the same brush. The boat sails from Lochboisdale on a Sunday too!
BoB from Lewis
Hi Didano Why pick on Island people, when did the madding crowd from the mainland all agree? I understand some residents frustration over an imposed Sabbath, but I thought visitors went to places to see them as they are, not as they want them to be. I've never seen Lewis advertised as keeping the same hours as Milton Keynes or Livingstone. Many folk appreciate the subtle differences between places as much as the similarities in the landscape. PS The Coll shop is closed on Sunday, and also Wednesday in the winter (it is haircutting day).
Nic from Coll
Arnish, here's an idea! Why don't you and your heithan friends offer to work on all the Sundays! This way the people who want one day off a week on the same day as everyone else can have that day off and you can spend your entire Sunday in the Supermarket or on the ferry or busses! A perfect solution.
Interfearing Beasom from Lewis Active Mediation Enterprise (LAME)
Six days shalt thou labour and on the seventh you can shop till you drop in Castlebay, drink Cremola Foam, whistle Danny Boy and hang out your washing on the Siegfried Line. Lewis Sundays - if they aint broke - don't fix them
Col Bufton McTufton from Ypres Lodge Galson
Methinks the debate is about having services on Sundays - or not, if that's what the majority wants. Not who will be providing them.
Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway
I know of people who have been frowned upon because they send e-mails on a sunday! - surely what people do in the privacy of their own home on a sunday is their own business, regardless of their religous beliefs. I do all my housework on a sunday because it's the only free day I have to do it (I don't hang out my washing out of respect for my neighbours). I think a ferry journey on a sunday would be beneficial to students etc who want to return to uni etc on the mainland without paying expensive air fares or missing classes because they have to return on a monday (surely Calmac have employees from the mainland who would work on a sunday) . I understand that we are now in an age of religous tolerance to which I have no objections but surely we should be tolerant of those who chose not to follow a particular religion also.
JS from Lewis
You can't send an e-mail on a Sunday or peg your washing out? Are you serious? What are you supposed to do, sit perfectly still in an armchair all day? Can you make a cup of tea? Surely, that involves putting the kettle on and washing your cup afterwards... Extreme, to say the least.
Janet from A normal place
Buzzword we're looking for is: tolerance. The other expression is: when in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway
One of the saddest things here is the page in the local paper which has the youngsters with their newly acquired degrees. None of them stay on the Islands. what does that say about the general intellect of the people left. Something is very wrong here. Perhaps it is time for the Islands to wake up and join the 21st century.
Fishbox from Westside
I have just come back from a holiday on Mainland England. We had to drive 500 miles to get the ferry back in time. it would make our life a lot easier if there were Sunday sailings to and from Stornoway and Ullapool. i came here because of the peace and quiet, lack of real crime and a slower pace of life etc, etc. I do respect peoples right to keep the Sabbath here, but different people have different beliefs and those too must be respected. would there be objections if Asians had each Friday off and the Jewish community had Saturdays off as their religion demands. Each different religion has a different day as the Sabbath. you cannot stamp everybody with the same religous belief. It does not make you heathen to not think in the same way. Those who want to keep each Sunday for religion only should be able to without others intervening. But also neither should they interfere with others who have other Sabath days or who have other interests on Sundays. We are in a religous tolerent society and this is how it should be, as itshould be with all races. Christianity as I understand it is to live in a Christian way. " Thou should love thy neighbour as thyself " Jesus did not discriminate to whom this neighbour was or what his religion was. So I say if you want the youngsters to stay here, things must change. There must be more industry ie making of Windmills, Hydrogen technology, Wave energy technology. All these things whilst helping the enviroment will generate wealth and more business which in turn will need more skilled workers etc which will attract investors and keep young people in the islands. If we don't encourage this the islands will become a haven for ageing retirees like myself. Though we English bring wealth to the islands it is not enough to stop the islands dying as thriving communities. things must change here.
Fishbox from Westside.
it seems the more south you go the more fun you have with regards to the islands not that im biased haha
jim moran from islay
I think not all the shops but the leasure failities should be open on sundays. Some families want to go to the sports center for a nice sunday after noon with their kids and have fun. People are religous but that is their choice we can`t hold every thing back for that not every one goes to church on sundays and some want to go and have some fun with their kids at the leisure facilities.
Callum Taylor from Stornoway