³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ ALBA HD Schedule
HD Schedule
Nannag a’ Noo/Huggleboo—Series 1, °äè¾±³¦-±è³ó±ô³Ü³¾²¹¾±²õ±ð²¹²Ô/±Ê±ô³Ü³¾³¦²¹°ì±ð 
8/26 Huggleboo is going to make a plum pie with grandma. (R)
Bing—Series 1, Ainmean
90/104 Chan eil Bing toilichte le Pando an-diugh. Bing isn’t impressed with Pando today. (R)
Na Clangers—Series 1, Rionnag-earbaill a’ Mhà idseir
18/52 Tha Am Mà idsear ’s Beag Chlangair ’g iasgach. Beag Chlangair and Am Mà idsear are fishing. (R)
Peicein/Petit—Series 1, Faodaidh obair a bhith còrdadh riut!/Work doesn’t have to be boring!
16/26 Petit invites his friends to his dad's workplace. (R)
Gasta a' Ghraineag/Happy the Hoglet—Series 1, Gasta Acrach
1/26 Chan eil Gasta ro ghasta nuair a tha e acrach. Gasta isn’t very happy when he’s hungry.
Su Pic (Peek Zoo)—Series 1, Smaoinich air Smuaintean Blà th
8/26 Crogaidh is waiting for her chick to hatch; warm surroundings are vital for this. (R)
³§³Ùò¾±°ù¾±»å³ó—Series 2, Am Balach a bha ag Ithe Leabhraichean
13/80 Martin MacIntyre reads Am Balach a bha ag Ithe Leabhraichean. (R)
Ronia, Nighean a' Mheirlich/Ronja, the Robber's Daughter—Series 1, Aon Bhuidheann de Mhèirlich
25/26 Mata and Borca fight, who will be the winner and who will be the ultimate leader? (R)
Bogaisean is Gumbalan/Bottersnikes and Gumbles—Series 1, CÃ il Uilidh?
38/52 Cà ite bheil Uilidh a’ dol an-diugh? Where is Uilidh going today? (R)
Na Dana-thursan aig Tintin/The Adventures of Tintin—Series 1, A' Chluas Bhriste, PÃ irt 1
15/32 Thathas ri goid iodhal bhon taigh-tasgaidh. An idol is stolen from the museum. (R)
An LÃ —07/02/2024
Local, national and international news and information from ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ ALBA.
Fraochy Bay—Series 4, Innealan iongantach/The Terminutter
9/10 Peter has brought his imagination to life but his creations have a mind of their own. (R)
Scottish Women's Premier League (³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ ALBA)—2023/24, Rangers v Hearts
17/31 Midweek SWPL live action as Rangers welcome Hearts.
Garradh Phadruig—Series 1, Episode 6
6/6 It’s the end of season but Peter's still busy in the garden and Joy Dunlop comes to visit. (R)
Seòid a' Chidsin - The Kitchen Coves—Series 8, Episode 3
3/6 Tha na seòid a’ còcaireachd le aon phoit. The lads cook using only one pot.
Binneas - Na Trads—Series 7, Episode 5
5/12 Featuring Hannah Rarity, Claire Hastings, Robyn Stapleton and Catriona Watt. (R)
Am Posadh Afraganach/The African Wedding—Series 1, Episode 1
1/2 Young humanitarian Gemma Steele's special relationship with Kenya. (R)