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Càil Uilidh?

Tha Uilidh airson dearbhadh gu bheil e treun – dìreach mar an Gumbal gun Ainm. Ciamar a thèid dha? Bheil e treun no bheil e dìreach gòrach?

Uilidh wants to prove that he is a hero just like the Un-named Gumbal. How will he get on? Is he brave or is he just foolish?

14 days left to watch

12 minutes


Role Contributor
°Õ°ù´Ç¾±²µ/¸éì²µ³ó Iain Macrae
Bonns/Merri Mischa Macpherson
Uilidh/Seonaidh Lana Beaton
¶Ùù»å/³§²Ô´Ç°ù²µ Derek MacIntosh
Glob Calum MacKinnon
Chank Ruaraidh Munro
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Producer May Smart
Editor Phil Reed
Producer Mairi Macleod


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