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Today Presenter - John Humphrys Some more of your emails.....
Dear Radio 4 Further to my previous email a few moments ago I would like to add, the main players in this saga are doing what gentlemen should not do in public, and, I might add, matures ladies like me should not refer to - it begins with 'W'. So please, please, please give it a rest. Kind regards Irene
Dear Today Programme, I think we have all heard enough about the Campbell v. 成人快手 argument to be able to form our own opinions. I would be grateful if you could stop discussing it now, as it is getting tedious to listen to! Both sides have said that the issue is a question of trust I think most people would trust the 成人快手 before the Government - so can we leave it there please? How about some news from outside the UK Westminster village instead? Yours, Naomi Archer Oxford
Mr Bradshaw's apparent attitude is not doing his party's position any favours. Sitting here listening to the comments, I can't help thinking that he's forgotten the adage that when one find's oneself in a hole, one should stop digging! Mr Bradshaw appears to have only been briefed, perhaps by Mr Campbell, on this one matter and his refusal to widen the debate reflects this. In my view the 成人快手 is not being damaged by what has happened, and indeed this interview has strengthened my view. Robert Killington
I fully support the 成人快手 against No.10. Bradshaw is outrageous. Keep up the good work. Phillip Knight
I wholeheartedly support your reporting and see the governments incredible defensive reaction - that you should have contacted the government press office first, as more evidence of their using bureaucracy as a mechanism of social control. Peter Meades
Does John Humphries really have to be so sarcastic and bad tempered when he's challenged back by an interviewee? Although not a supporter of the Government, I thought Ben Bradshaw's comments about the 成人快手s behaviour were extremely well made. For an experienced interviewer like John Humphries to trivialise a serious debate by childish, petulant phrases like "I thought you were running some sort of government department" lowered the whole standard of the debate. If Mr Bradshaw has spoken to journalists at the 成人快手 and found some of them who disagree, John Humphries should have the good grace to accept he's not right on everything and not behave like a child caught with his hand in the sweet jar. If Mr Humphries style is to badger a minister and 'have the last word', he should have the good grace to accept when it's done to him, and not railroad his position as the interviewer to always give himself the last word. as Ben Bradshaw rightly concluded, "he should be big enough to admit it." what's sauce for the goose.... Jason Price
Morning....Excellent interview this morning. I am surprised John didn't just give him a good slap. I really appreciate how interviews are now allowed to run long enough to get to the heart of a subject. Mike Totham
A Mr Bradshaw says the 成人快手 is an example of the pot calling the kettle black. Does this mean that the government is in fact guilty of what it says the 成人快手 is guilty of? Duncan Macleay
Exam Question - Compare and contrast the interview this morning with that of two days ago with the 成人快手 news chief. What do you deduce about the 成人快手? If you are not careful your Bully Boy tactics will lose us our beloved 成人快手 by licence fee and we'll be stuck with CNN etc. Gordon Hall
Congratulations on your recent interview with Ben Bradshaw. I have a certain sense of deja vu. Memories of Norman Tebbit having similar interviews on your programme 15 years ago. The 成人快手 is my only chance to question the workings of government. Please keep up the good work. Nigel Smith
成人快手 Lied? ....I am currently listening to Radio 4 arguing with a Government official over the Government sexying up reasons for going to war fiasco. And I have to say, I think its one of the best live pieces of radio I have ever heard. Thank you. Alan Griffiths
Whatever happens... Do not deviate from the truth. Democracy is upheld only by calling government to task, each time..! Especially in this case the 成人快手 is so correct..! Thanks for your fantastic inquisitive journalism, every time.! Regards Wim wellinghof
What a pathetic performance by Bradshaw. The spin is out of control. Nick Brown
They must have been mad to put up Ben Bradshaw. But his pathetic performance was a broadcasting classic that will linger for many years.听 And how right Bernard Ingam was. Nicholas Beale
I couldn't bear to listen to the 成人快手 radio coverage of this war due to the blatant anti-war/anti-government position the 成人快手 took on this crisis - I could scarcely believe what I was hearing. To this point, I had been an ardent Radio 4/Today listener all my adult life, but have lost a great deal of respect for the 成人快手 over this. Caroline Bligh
Excellent, excellent, excellent, this is what I pay my licence fee for! What an absolute joy to hear Mr Bradshaw squirming and going back to the old chestnut about the licence fee when he really had nothing to say. Excellent editorial control, I am sure that it wasn't supposed to last as long as it did. You have made my day! Thank you! Russ Barton
Well done John Humphreys. It is nauseating to see the government trying to divert attention from its deceptions in going to war on Irag illegally by stirring up a storm about the 成人快手. John Humphreys was brilliant in not letting Ben Bradshaw get away with further deceptions and manoevres. Sarah Cemlyn
We completely support the 成人快手 and believe that this 'row' is a smokescreen to hide the fact that no WMD's have been found and that the war was unnecessary in the first place. Paul & Felicity Bowdidge
Thanks for the interview with mr bradshaw -awesome -well done John H Mrs C`Connell, Pinner.
Brilliant interviewing of Ben Bradshaw (re that dossier) by John Humphrys. Keep up the good work. Mary Potter
Well done Mr. Humphries for fighting off a complete idiot with only one agenda. He has the temerity to try and tell you that you should be big enough to admit you were wrong? Ptah! Pot, Kettle, Black. This Government has lied to us, and they have the case to answer.听 Still, it was quite good comedy throughout - you'll probably get next years award as well. Certainly should do. Regards Neil
I am listening with interest to the interview currently running on Today (08.50). The subject of journalistic standards has been raised and it has been stated that a journalist should always contact the No 10 press office before running a critical story. What rubbish. I am a listener, a News 24 viewer and a 成人快手 News website reader. I do not want a journalist to be so asinine as to contact the press office to get the official spin before running a story. That is not investigative journalism, that is behaving like Government puppets. Attempting to verify a story is not the same as getting the daily set of inexactitudes, innuendoes and evasions from the spin office, and it seems to me that contacting the MoD and speaking to the Minister on-air is more than enough. May I suggest that had the 成人快手 behaved differently, we could well now be listening to a series of stories slating the 成人快手 for colluding in a Government cover-up. Don't apologise, you've done nothing wrong, and congratulations on an excellent interview. Stephanie Marriott
I listened with intrest to your debate this morning. Alistair Campbell is making an error of judgement if he's asking the people of this country who do they believe, the Goverment or the 成人快手? I'm afraid on their past record the vast majority of the electorate would now say: the 成人快手. He would have far more credibility if he admitted he'd got it wrong & offered his resignation. He is just digging himself a bigger hole to fall into. Has he at last "spun" out of control....? Dr Simon Page Somerset
Millions of us watched Tony Blair's histrionic performance when he told the House of Commons that Saddam Hussein was capable of launching an attack on Britain within 45 minutes, thus securing support for an illegal and immoral war. Ben Bradshaw's blustering is reminiscent of Tony Hancock at his best. Anon
Stunning! Best start to a Saturday in ages, well done John. Diane Porter
Wonderful to hear Mr Bradshaw standing up so heroically to Mr Humphreys' mauling! He did manage to keep his end up well, without having to stoop to Mr Humphreys' level of mockery and rudeness. Angie Brown
If I was undecided about the government's honesty I am now certain that we have been lied to. Governments on the run always attack the 成人快手. What a pity they can't understand that 成人快手 listeners are not as stupid as they like to think we are. No need to add that I won't be voting Labour again. John Humphreys was superb today (Saturday. Keep it up - democracy is alive and well at the 成人快手 if not at Westminster.) Carol 成人快手r
The government are obviously trying to throw up a smokescreen - a redirection of attention to cover governmental sleight of hand. Keep up the good work! Jon
Well done Mr Humphrys! Keep up the good work, sir. Kathleen James
For what it's worth, I just wanted to drop you all at the Today programme a note to thank you for standing up to the bullying machine that Downing Street has become (I'm particularly shocked that Mr. Bradshaw, whose own journalism I once respected, has been assimilated into the spin cmahinery).听 Given this government's attitude, I can't stress how glad I am that we have journalists of the calibre of Messrs Humphrys, Naughtie and Montague (plus of course all the supporting researchers and correspondents) to attempt to hold the current administration to account, and only hope that you all emerge unscathed from this row. Stuart Estell
I have just been listening to your interview between John Humphries and somebody from the Government (I didn't catch his name). I would just like to say that it seems blinding obvious from the language beeing used by the 成人快手 and by the Government that mistakes were made on both sides. What the government seem to be failing to understand is that they are making themselves appear extrememly aggressive and totaly obsessed with this issue when other issues are far more important. It is reinforcing their appearance as a party of spin. If they continue like this I will not vote for them again. Richard Rowling
How about the Ben Bradshaw interview today! If ever proof were needed of the 成人快手's bloated sense of self-importance, just tot up the amount of time you gave the piece today and other days. You LOVE it! Your journalists LOVE it! You are becoming seduced by your own greed for fame/profile etc. No wonder you all stand by Mr Gilligan: he is you in microcosm: with the accent on the micro. John R Manger
I'm writing in support of yours and the 成人快手's position on the 45 minute claim. John's attempts to bring the discussion back to the issues and away from this smokescreen story were proper and valiant this morning. Paul Bernays
If today's contribution does not convince you that your format and presenters have outlived their sell-by date nothing will. Are you going to stand on the sidelines like a parent at school football match for ever or will the future and ideas come into your plans. Kevin J. Nixon
Bravo! It is a pity for democracy that we could not have the calibre of John Humphries as interrogator 'principal' on parliament's select committees - possibly then Alistair Campbell would have been able to employ his diversionary tactics so effectively. For the rest of us, keep it up Mr Humphries! Graham Melling
Way to go John : Ben Bradshaw descended to personal slanging which is not the way to rebutt such things. Too much attempted spin Ben.听 Why is the government making such an issue of this? I did not see.Alastair C interview but the fact that it happened to my mind gives credeance to what Mr Gillingham said . He who shouts loudest.. I hope will not get his way. Pru Williams
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