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Today Presenter - John Humphrys Some more of your emails.....
Bravo ! Bravo !听 To John Humphries for giving that New Labour weasel hell just now. Ben Bradshaw was simply despicable in his patently mendacious bluster.听 I never, ever, in my life imagined Sir Bernard Ingham would sound like the voice of cool calm reason in comparison to the new wave of bright young things thrown up in new Labour in the 97 election.听 Bravo again JH and everybody on Today. Tom Robinson
I have listend to the discussions this morning and feel very strongly that given the facts laid out by the government prior to the latest conflict in IRAQ, their focus on the 成人快手 at this time is simply a deflection of attention. The real focus should be on the claims regarding nuclear arsenals and weapons of mass destruction that have seemingling vanished since we invaded. Can anyone believe that this war was not simply about US oil supplies and world power. Martin Oswald
Dear ALL Brilliant - Brilliant - Brilliant - Brilliant - Brilliant - Brilliant - Brilliant. John at his very best Heartiest Congratulations. This kind of interview with the Government 'spin' machine is long overdue. A wonderful interview - WELL DONE JOHN John Paternoster, Bishops Storford
BRAVO!! I feel every penny of my subscription fee excellently spent, despite hardly ever watching television. Please do not drop this story nor apologise until you are certain that the 45 minute claim was validly made. Congratulations Sarah Christie
Just heard the most fantastic interview by John on Sat morning. John, you are to be commended and the 成人快手 is absolutely right in its approach about questioning every action of government. Well done! Martin Rumens
A superb programme this morning, with our license fee being spent with honestly and effectiveness, to challenge the continuous spinning and disinformation of the government. Damien Hut
As an avid listener of The Today Programme I will like to offer my full support to the professional staff and reporters of the programme. You are doing an excellent job and after hearing Ben Bradshaw who ought to be ashamed of himself may I urge you not to give in to the bullying tactics of No.10 press office. The essential points that he lied and caused the government to lie to the public. How dare they now try to duck the issue by blaming the 成人快手. DON'T BE BULLIED. CONTINUE YOUR GOODWORK. Daniel
Well done John for your interview. You had the advantage. Your performance has prompted me to access the Today WEB page for the first time. Do you think Ben Bradshaw is lining himself up for Alastair Campbell's job when he departs? Keep up the good work. Isobel Brown
Pull Humphries of the air NOW. He is making a fool of himself by trying to interview and moderate ay the same time. He is becoming more and more like a bare knuckle fighter- only seeking blood. Kevin McCabe
Congratulations John Humphries on tackling the Minister, London Ali, the ex 成人快手 journalist friend of Alister Campbell. Colin Rymill
The Today programme used to be entertaining, interesting and offer a balanced viewpoint - it doesn't do that anymore. I just switched off! Helena
Dear John Humphries.听 Ben Bradshaw must have been trained by Alastair Campbell to bully and shout down his nterviewers! Derek Tongs, Cyprus
Ben Bradshaw/John Humphries debate - best laugh of the week. Steven Farrall
It is probably vital to our democracy that the 成人快手 prevail in this current 'row' with Mr. Campbell and the people currently - and temporarily - entrusted with the leadership of our country. The - dare I say - 'here today gone tomorrow' politicos cannot be allowed to destroy the integrity one of the very few organs of public life which is still able to hold the government to account.听 I hope you are receiving a huge volume of supportive correspondence. I for one am quite happy with having given my trust to the 成人快手 and Radio 4, the Today programme, The World at One and similar programmes for the last 40-odd years. I cannot say I have found a single politician (perhaps - strangely - excluding Tony Benn) of whom I could say the same. Be strong! Lewis Ramage
I was disgusted and appalled by the Labour spokesman I've just heard, I used to believe Tony Blair, after Campbell and this spokesman, I'm afraid I don't anymore, it was the most transparently dishonest representation of any situation I've heard, Well done J Humphries for not letting him get away with it. God knows what we'd do with out the Today prog. to put our politicians on the spot. Stuart Nickless
John Humphrys' confuses his role again - is he interviewing Ben Bradshaw or acting as the 成人快手's spokesman? Ranting, petulant, bad tempered. It does the Today programme no credit. Liz Charnock
Go John Humphries!!!! I've just listened with great amusement to the continuing row between the 成人快手 and the government on Today. Despite laughing out loud at the petty, petulant and ill informed case put across by the governments spokesman (sorry I didn't catch his name) it also underlined the fact that the prime ministers press secretary has to go before the independent integrity and history of free speech for all our media is totally threatened by this control freak!!!! Shalene
At the time this item, of 'news' was broken on Today. I had not listened regularly to the Today programme so cannot have been influenced by it. However long before that I had heard on TV Tony Blair and several other members of the government state that they "KNEW" that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction etc etc. It was on their statements that I made my judgement as I'm sure did many other people. Now the government seem to be running scared, denying everything and indulging in most undignified behaviour. I'm not sure who or what Alistair Campbell is but his dramatic performance makes me very suspicious. The best thing the government could do now is to let the whole sorry business die down. B M Platt
The 成人快手鈥檚 current activity of rolling out every reliable bigot it can find to attack Campbell is very revealing of its lack of impartiality. What is the justification in asking Sir Bernard Ingham for his opinion? His comments were utterly predictable but brought nothing new to the debate. He was only there to support the 成人快手. It is a very disreputable attempt to create the impression that "independent" commentators support the 成人快手鈥檚 position. Hadron
So, according to Ben Bradshaw, consulting the Minister of Defence, who is an elected representative of the people, is not consulting Government. To do so, one must consult the unelected, unanswerable Press Office.听 What an interesting admission! Andrea Polden, Chesham, Bucks.
The interview made it crystal clear that the 成人快手 does have a case to answer. The 成人快手 does owe the Government an apology but the 成人快手's arrogance may inhibit this. Robert Carlin
Your interview in the final part of the programme this morning was tremendous. If it was not for the 成人快手, accountability would be out the window. I can only regret that our goverment seems to have sunk to "interview techniques" and non answers rather than address the substance of such serious claims. While interviewing is not my job I seriously doubt I could have kept my temper in check. Well done, keep it up. Irwin Fletcher
I just HAD to express my support for the position taken by the 成人快手. It is essential that you do NOT let the government beat you down on this issue. They went to war against the wishes of the majority. The majority will be on your side in this debacle. Keep up the good work. Arnold Wilkins
It is difficult to know which side of this ludicrous debate is the more ridiculous? The Government who are now paying the penalty for the years of dissembling and spin that long predate the Iraqi conflict? Or the 成人快手, whose pomposity and self absorption is becoming overwhelming? You are no longer reporting this story. Instead, like Alastair Campbell, you have become the story. You are no longer capable of presenting it with balance so, please, shut up and put on the sport before I am forced to end 30 years of dedicated listening. James Hall
Find it very 'suspicious' that this issue only raised now....smacks of diversionary tactics. Eileen Mullen
Dear John, You were marvellous! Without effective opposition, who is there to question a government of spin and deceit? I'd vote for the 成人快手 any day! John R Vickerstaff
Listening to Labour party interviewee just now - could not help thinking about the emperors clothes- the more they deny and try to dstract from allegation that reasons for going to war were exagerated the more I belive they were exagerated, with every wiggle they go deeper into the mire - why can't they just admit it they have been caught out- don't they realise how stupid it looks to be arguing with the little boy who has told them they are naked? Dominique Moore
Warmest congratulations to John Humphrys on his properly robust response to Ben Bradshaw. I have great admiration for the Labour government, but in this case they deserve all the scrutiny they're getting. Keep it up. Dan Leech-Wilkinson
Go John Go !!听 I wonder if Bradshaw has any idea of how badly he came across in that interview. Please keep on pressing them John, they might even learn how to tell the truth eventually Ray Mowll
Your interview with Ben Bradshaw this morning has produced the definitive proof, if one were needed, that the government has something to hide in relation to the lies they used to force us into a war that we did not want and an occupation that is going to cost us dearly in lives and taxpayers money. Otherwise, why would he refuse to answer the real charge, that everything the government has said about Saddam's threat to this country has been proven to be unfounded and completely false, and keep coming back to the ridiculous nonsense about whether the press office was forewarned about being caught lying or not?听 Congratulations on being the guardians of our democracy, I am proud of you. Fawaz Dhanoon. Reading
Dear Mr. Humphries, Thought I'd just drop you a line to congratulate you on your conversation with Whatsisface this morning. Brilliant stuff, highly entertaining, but what's more to the point was that you were completely in the right. Ordinary folks like me rely on people like you to get to the nitty-gritty of what concerns us. The war was unjustified. We value the fact that you are willing to fight this battle for us. Thank you. Maggie Hall.
Congrats John - keep up the wonderful work. You represent all of us out here and you did excellent work this morning with the ambitious, sycophantic Bradshaw. Remind these people that the 成人快手 is our 成人快手. Please can you let me know how I can contact Richard Sambrook and Andrew Gilligan to lend them support. THANK YOU SO MUCH Chris Costello
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