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The Hearing
成人快手 News 3 Oct 2014
The Prosecution

Geoffrey Robertson QC
Listen to - Opening Speech Part 1
Listen to - Opening Speech Part 2
Listen to - Summing Up
Prosecution Witnesses

James Rubin, former Assistant US Secretary of State, said Mr Milosevic was repeatedly confronted with evidence of atrocities by Serb forces before Nato intervened.
Listen to - His evidence

Tony Haxha, a 15-year-old refugee told how he saw his brother killed by Serbs who ethnically cleansed his village
Listen to - His evidence

Jeta Xharra, told how she saw the bodies of massacred Kosovo Albanian women and children as she was deported from her homeland by Serb forces
Listen to - Her Evidence

Maggie O'Kane Guardian Journalist
Listen to - Her evidence

Court Correspondent

Mike Williams


Visit sites related to the Milosevic hearing
The Defence

Anthony Scrivener QC
Listen to - Opening Speech Pt 1
Listen to - Opening Speech Pt 2
Listen to - Summing Up
Defence Witnesses

Branislav Ivkovic , vice president of Mr Milosevic's party, denied Serbs committed any massacres
Listen to - His evidence Part 1
Listen to - His evidence Part 2

Balkans analyst Marko Gasic said the Racak massacre was not the work of Serbs but a 'CIA set-up'.
Listen to - His evidence
The Judges

Professor Geoff Gilbert

Listen to - The Decision

Robert McPeake

Professor Colin Warbrick
Milosevic Hearing - 成人快手
The Indictment
The Hearing
Audio Highlights
Background to the Hearing
Picture Gallery