Anita Sulimanovic: Creator of 'The Planet'
The Planet Award, eagerly sought after by all in world music, was designed and made by Croation sculptor Anita Sulimanovic.

In November 2003, Anita won the Radio 3 sponsered competition to design the new Award for World Music. Dubbed 'The Planet', the sculpture is now synonomous with the event.
"I wanted to combine several forms associated with globality and music," said Anita. "The shape of the trophy imitates the shape of the heart. The ball reminds one of the globe and refers to the international character of this event. And the sculpture is reminiscent of a harp, lyre or maybe some fantasy musical instrument."
Anita graduated with a Master of Finer Arts degree from Edinburgh college of Art. She has exhibited in the UK, USA, Germany, France, POland, Czech Republic and Croatia.