Africa Eye Episodes Episode guide
What Is Eating My Mind?
'What Is Eating My Mind?' is an insightful and deeply personal story of living with bipolar disorder in Kenya, where the issue of mental health is often taboo.
Trapped in Oman
成人快手 Africa Eye investigates the trafficking of Malawian women into a life of servitude as domestic workers in Oman, and follows an extraordinary network of women who, working across three continents, are fighting to bring them home against often impossible odds.
The Night They Came for Our Children
On 6th September 2022, in Northern Ghana, four children were taken, at gunpoint, from their home in the middle of the night. They were brought to a hotel, photographed, washed and fed. At sunrise, they were relocated to a shelter. Their families were left in the dark as to where and why. For the American charity coordinating the raid, it was a successful mission to rescue child slaves. For the families, it felt like a kidnapping leaving them bewildered and traumatised. With a trail of WhatsApp messages, secret filming, and a journey to some of the remotest areas of Ghana, Africa Eye brings you the story of what happens when good intentions go horribly wrong.
The Bandit Warlords of Zamfara
In north western Nigeria ultra-violent bandit hangs raid villages,
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Taught to Fear
Corporal punishment in Kenyan schools has been banned for over twenty years. Yet teachers are beating their students on a daily basis and the consequences can be fatal. 成人快手 Africa Eye's Tom Odula goes on a journey to investigate the extent of the problem and what can be done to address it.
Seychelles, Heroin and Me
A former drug user gives 成人快手 Africa Eye exclusive access to his struggling community in county's many ghettos - as he explores why Seychelles has the biggest heroin problem in the world.
Sex for Work: The True Cost of Our Tea
成人快手 Africa Eye and Panorama have uncovered widespread sexual abuse on farms which supply some of the UK's most popular tea brands including PG Tips, Lipton and Sainsbury's Red Label. Women in Kenya say they've been forced into sex by their managers while working on plantations which have been owned for decades by two British companies.
Racism for Sale
In February 2020 a shocking video began to circulate on Chinese social media. A group of African children are being instructed, by a voice off-camera, to chant phrases in Chinese. The kids repeat the words with smiles and enthusiasm - but they don't understand that what they're being told to say is ''I am a black monster and my IQ is low''. The clip ignited outrage in China and beyond. But no one ever answered the crucial questions: Why was this filmed? Where was it shot? Who made it? These questions send 成人快手 Africa Eye reporters Runako Celina and Henry Mhango on a journey into a Chinese video-making industry that exploits vulnerable children across the continent.
Mayor on the Front Line
The Mayor of Freetown, Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr, has won international plaudits for addressing many of the issues facing the capital of one of Africa's poorest countries. But as she bids for re-election for a second term, she finds herself on the front line of a democratic crisis.
Lady P and the Sex Work Sisterhood
Abused, abducted or killed. Africa Eye explores the world of sex workers in Sierra Leone.
Kush: Into the Mad World
Kush - a cheap, new, illegal drug high is taking the youth of Sierra Leone to a dark place. Young people driven mad. Young people killing themselves. Young people harming themselves and others. Psychiatric wards are filling up with Kush cases and police are battling to win the war against the drug. With kush use spreading like wildfire, with ever-younger users being exposed to it, Africa Eye reporter, Tyson Conteh, investigates the drug and asks whether Sierra Leone can stop the march of this dangerously addictive high?
Kenya's Killer Roads
Have the network of roads which criss-cross Kenya become death traps? Between 2020 and 2021 Kenyan road deaths rose more than 20 per cent. Last year, more than 4500 were killed and over 16,000 injured. The Kenyan Government says drunk driving, overloading, and speeding are among the top causes of the carnage. But is corruption also a factor? Journalist Richard Chacha, himself paralysed in a road accident ten years ago, joins Africa Eye to expose rouge driving school employees who, for a fee, fix it for rookie drivers to get behind the wheel without ever having to take a driving test. Africa Eye also reveals how brokers take cash to beat the vehicle safety testing system, enabling taxis fit for the scrap heap to be driven on Kenya's roads... and carry passengers.
In Search of My Father
In Kenya, over a third of the population grow up in a single parent families. Africa Eye follows the personal journey of reporter Namukabo Werungah, who has never known her father and has decided to search for this missing part of her identity. She has no idea if he is alive or dead, but with her wedding approaching, has decided it's time to know her history. Will she find the man she was meant to call dad? And if she does, will he want her in his life?
Forced to Beg: Tanzania's Trafficked Kids
Impoverished families in Tanzania are being tricked into giving up their disabled children by human traffickers. Promised a better life, the children are instead smuggled into Kenya and forced to beg, often for years. Africa Eye goes undercover to expose the traffickers trading in human misery and helps one young victim escape his captors.
FGM: For the Love of Fatmata
This is the story of a country where the path to womanhood can bring pain, trauma, and even death. A country where children can be left motherless because of the ancient traditions of Bondo - a Sierra Leone secret society which cuts out female genitals as part of centuries old rite of passage ceremonies. FGM - female genital mutilation - is woven so deep into the female fabric of Sierra Leone, most women there have had their genitalia cut. No-one really knows how many have died as a result. 成人快手 Africa Eye reporter, Tyson Conteh, believes his girlfriend, Fatmata, bled to death after undergoing FGM in 2016. He investigates whether her death was then covered up to protect Bondo. It is a journey driven by Fatmata, who, says Tyson, spoke to him in his dreams demanding justice.
Fear and Loathing in South Africa
A network of anti-migrant groups has emerged across South Africa. The groups blame illegal migrants for the state of the country's economy, lack of housing and an explosion of drug abuse. But their critics accuse them of being violent vigilantes who target some of the country's most vulnerable people. 成人快手 Africa Eye gains rare access to Operation Dudula, South Africa's most notorious anti-migrant group, as they take to the streets and fight for political power.
Disciples: The Cult of TB Joshua: Episode 3
TB Joshua's miracles have gained him global recognition, and hundreds of foreigners visit his church in Lagos every week, seeking healing. But when TB Joshua's church guesthouse collapses, killing 116, people start to ask questions. And as his disciples try to escape his church, TB Joshua does all he can to ensure his darkest secrets stay hidden.
Disciples: The Cult of TB Joshua: Episode 2
Nigerian superpastor TB Joshua explodes onto the global stage with Emmanuel TV, one of the world's most subscribed Christian channels. Behind closed doors in his church in Lagos, life is hard for his teenage 'disciples'; they have dedicated their life to him and must obey his every command. His own daughter confronts him about alleged abuse and violence and pays a heavy price.
Disciples: The Cult of TB Joshua
Two young women in Britain watch a VHS tape that will change the course of their lives forever: a Nigerian preacher can apparently heal the sick, cure cancer and AIDS. They decide to visit his church in Lagos to meet him. Joshua invites the teenagers to become his disciples, joining dozens of other young people who live on the church premises and do his every bidding. But life as a disciple isn't what they imagined.
Death on the Border
In June 2022, shocking videos started circulating online, showing violent clashes between African migrants and Moroccan border guards. They were filmed on a tiny piece of land where Morocco meets Spain - a gateway into Europe - and show the bodies of African migrants being thrown to the ground, beaten and crushed. Twenty-four people died in the incident, and many more are still missing. Africa Eye verified dozens of videos, collected testimonies from survivors and gained exclusive access to the border infrastructure to piece together the most comprehensive investigation into the tragedy and ask - was it preventable?
Betrayed: Elderly Care Exposed
Across Africa, the elderly have traditionally been cared for by their families. Now, with life expectancy increasing, many Africans are turning to care homes for help. Are the elderly getting the care that they need? 成人快手 Africa Eye goes undercover at a Kenyan care home to investigate allegations of assualt, theft and neglect.
Africa Eye: Street Dreams Trail TX 27/12/2021 English, Non-News
Africa Eye Street Dreams trail TX 27/12/2021, English, Non-News, Nigeria specific
Africa Eye: Street Dreams Trail English Nigeria TX 27/12/2021
trail Street Dreams TX 27/12/2021, English, non-news, Nigeria specific
Africa Eye: Street Dreams Trail English Nigeria - TX 27/12/21
Trail for Africa Eye TX on 27/12/21 Street Dreams, English, TV, Nigeria non-new specific
Africa Eye: Street Dreams trail English Nigeria - TX 27/12/2021
Trail for Street Dreams TX 27/12/2021, TV, English, Non news Nigeria specific.
Africa Eye: Street Dreams trail English Nigeria - TX 27/12/2021
Trail for Street Dreams TX 27/12/2021, TV, English, Non news Nigeria specific.
Africa Eye
Original and high-impact 成人快手 investigations from across Africa