Brenda Parri
Actores: Sharon Morgan
Cymeriad lliwgar, cegog a chynnes yw Brenda Parri sy’n hoff o fod o gwmpas pobl. Dyw hi byth i’w gweld heb ei mobility scooter na’i ffon cherdded – er dyw hi wir ddim angen eu defnyddio, mae hi’n joio sylw! Mae’n hoff iawn o “sing-song” ac os caiff hi hanner cyfle, mae hi’n dod a’i allweddell allan i roi perfformiad. Mae hi’n fflyrtio gyda unrhyw beth mewn trywsus – mae’n hoff iawn o Garry Monk!
Brenda Parri is a colorful, mouthy and warm character who likes to be around people. She never seems to be without her mobility scooter or walking stick - though she really doesn't need to use them, she just wants attention! She likes a sing-song and if she gets half a chance, she brings out her keyboard to give a performance. She flirts with anything in trousers - she has a soft spot for Garry Monk!