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Philip Lombard

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Played by
Aidan Turner

A natural predator in any circumstance, and he knows it.

Lombard has made a life in Africa as a soldier of fortune, not through greed or political conviction but because it’s how he feels most thoroughly himself. Whether what he does makes him a good or a bad man is immaterial.

Aidan Turner on Philip...

"Coming from someone like to Philip Lombard is like going to the other side of the spectrum with characters really. So it was a nice change to play somebody who doesn’t really care about anyone but himself.

"He’s totally shady. He’s kind of amoral as well and has a complete disregard for humanity. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do, I wouldn’t put anything past him. He’s a nasty kind of guy and you get the impression he’s done some horrible things in his life and he’s not really regretful of any of them.”

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