Learning Easy English Episodes Available now

Real Easy English: Talking about tastes
Neil and Georgie have a real conversation in easy English about food and tastes.

Real Easy English: Talking about evenings
Neil and Georgie have a real conversation in easy English about their evening routines.

Real Easy English: Talking about mornings
Neil and Georgie have a real conversation in easy English about mornings.

Real Easy English: Talking about money
Neil and Georgie have a real conversation in easy English about money.

Real Easy English: Talking about relationships
Beth and Georgie have a real conversation in easy English about relationships

Real Easy English: Talking about nature
Beth and Georgie have a real conversation in easy English about why they like nature

Real Easy English: Talking about wishes
Neil and Georgie have a real conversation in easy English about the future and wishes.

Real Easy English: Talking about commmunication
Neil and Georgie have a real conversation in easy English about different ways to talk.

Real Easy English: Talking about your house
Neil and Beth talk about where they live and their dream houses

Real Easy English: Talking about food shopping
Neil and Beth have a real conversation in easy English about food shopping