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A review of the week's news in Cornish.
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Sun 24 Mar 2024
成人快手 Radio Cornwall
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An Nowodhow - Read along with the news in Kernewek

Presenter聽James ChurchfieldWe begin the news in Cornish this week with the collaboration between students and businesses to create new raised planters in Bodmin Community Hospital鈥檚 garden. Listen out for the words for garden, lowarth, hospital, klavji, and college, kollji.
RECORDING 1:An pottys plansow re bia gwrys yn lowarth Klavji Kemeneth Bosvena mar hyllons bos hedhadow gans tus yn kadoryow ros.An arenebedh plansa a veu desinys ha gwrys gans studhyoryon dhyworth Kollji Bosvena.An devnydhyow re beu argevrys gans negysyow leel.Devnydhyow, prenn ha teyl y鈥檊a mysk, re beu proviys dhe studhyoryon. I re beu res gans RGB Building Supplies ha Bond Timber.Y leveris kannas Klavji Kemeneth Bosvena, Yaz Andrews hy hanow, an pottys plansow nowydh o 鈥渇antasiek yn tevri.鈥濃淏ryntin yw y teuthen warbarth avel kemeneth rag gul an arenebedhow ma rag godhevysi dhe enjoya鈥 hi a leveris.
TRANSLATION: The planters have been created at Bodmin Community Hospital's garden so they can be accessible by people in wheelchairs. The planting area was designed and made by students from Bodmin College. The materials were donated by local businesses. Students were provided with materials, including wood and compost. They were donated by RGB Building Supplies and Bond Timber. Yaz Andrews, from Bodmin Community Hospital, said the new planters were "absolutely fantastic"."It's wonderful that as a community we have come together to create these areas for patients to enjoy," she said.
PRESENTER James: Our next story continues the gardening theme. The Eden Project says its live streaming lessons have reached 75,000 schoolchildren across the world. Listen out for the Cornish for the Eden Project, An Edenva, the United States, Statys Unys, and Japan, Nihon.
Herwydh aga fara skolyow, i re dhyllsa orth studhyoryon y鈥檔 Ruvaneth Unys, Kanada, an Statys Unys, Nihon, Portyngal, ha鈥檔 Iseldiryow.Y lavarsons dyskansow a veu dyllys yn fyw dhyworth an biome koswik law, owth adhyski dyskyblon a-dro dhe鈥檔 trovannow ha plansow posek.Hembrenkyas para adhyskans, Robbie Kirkham y hanow, a leveris yth o 鈥渕arthys dhe weles ass o degemerys yn ta鈥 an dyskansow.鈥淚 a鈥檊an provi gans chons kollenwel kanaseth Edenva dre omworra gans goslowysi dhyffrans, orth aga omjunya hag aga dri nessa dhe鈥檔 bys byw.Mester Kirkman a leveris 鈥渄he dhrehedhes moy ages pymthek mil ha tri ugens a studhyoryon, lies anedha heb chons dhe vysytya an Edenva kyns, yw y鈥檔 gwella cher yn hwir.
TRANSLATION According to its schools鈥 team, they had broadcast to students in the UK, Canada, USA, Japan, Portugal and the Netherlands. They said lessons were streamed live from the rainforest biome, educating pupils on the tropics and important plants. Robbie Kirkman, education team lead, said it was "amazing to see how well received" the lessons were. "They [live streaming lessons] provide us with an opportunity to fulfil Eden's mission by engaging with different audiences, connecting them to one another and bringing them closer to the living world," he said. Mr Kirkman said "to reach more than 75,000 students, many of whom may not have had the chance to visit the Eden Project before, is truly heartening.
PRESENTER James:聽Our final story concerns the attempt by owners of a derelict hotel overlooking a popular Cornish beach to once again convert the building. Listen out for the Cornish for hotel, ostel, restaurant, bosti, and caf茅, koffiji
An negys PBHH Ltd, a berghenn an drehevyans, aswonys avel an Ostel Rudhwynn a-ugh dhe dreth Pendower, re brofyas ombrofyans towlen nowydh dhe Gonsel Kernow.Yth esa dhe鈥檔 ombrofyans derowel rag ostel, bosti, ha pymp rannji anedhel warn ugens, moy ages pymp kans acheson rag skonya.Yma dhe鈥檔 desin amendys tri sett gobrena dy鈥檊ol warn ugens, koffiji ha bosti poblek, gwerthji, hag esyans mayni.Herwydh an berghennow yma govenek an ostel a wra tenna vysytyoryon dres an vledhen oll, ow kenertha an ekonomieth leel.Y fydh edhom dhe鈥檔 dastinythyans a-dro dhe vilvil peuns a ober fastheans rag gwitha hedhas fordh orth treth Pendower ha dhe witha erbynn esknians arvorek.Ervirans a-dro dhe鈥檔 towlow yw gwaytys yn hav a-varr.Henn yw oll ahanav vy, seythen da genowgh.
TRANSLATION PBHH Ltd, which owns the building, known as the Pink Hotel above Pendower Beach, has submitted a new planning application to Cornwall Council. The original proposal for a hotel, restaurant, and 25 residential flats, had more than 500 objections. The revised design features 23 holiday-let suites, a public caf茅 and restaurant, a shop, and on-site staff accommodation. According to the owners, the hotel aims to attract year-round visitors, boosting the local economy. The regeneration requires about 拢1m of stabilisation work to protect road access to Pendower Beach and to guard against coastal erosion. A decision on the plans is anticipated in early summer.That鈥檚 all from me, have a good week.
PRESENTER: Thank you 鈥 this week鈥檚 An Nowodhow was written and read by Kensa Broadhurst and the editor was Steve Harris. You can listen to the programme again via 成人快手 Sounds
RECORDING 1:An pottys plansow re bia gwrys yn lowarth Klavji Kemeneth Bosvena mar hyllons bos hedhadow gans tus yn kadoryow ros.An arenebedh plansa a veu desinys ha gwrys gans studhyoryon dhyworth Kollji Bosvena.An devnydhyow re beu argevrys gans negysyow leel.Devnydhyow, prenn ha teyl y鈥檊a mysk, re beu proviys dhe studhyoryon. I re beu res gans RGB Building Supplies ha Bond Timber.Y leveris kannas Klavji Kemeneth Bosvena, Yaz Andrews hy hanow, an pottys plansow nowydh o 鈥渇antasiek yn tevri.鈥濃淏ryntin yw y teuthen warbarth avel kemeneth rag gul an arenebedhow ma rag godhevysi dhe enjoya鈥 hi a leveris.
TRANSLATION: The planters have been created at Bodmin Community Hospital's garden so they can be accessible by people in wheelchairs. The planting area was designed and made by students from Bodmin College. The materials were donated by local businesses. Students were provided with materials, including wood and compost. They were donated by RGB Building Supplies and Bond Timber. Yaz Andrews, from Bodmin Community Hospital, said the new planters were "absolutely fantastic"."It's wonderful that as a community we have come together to create these areas for patients to enjoy," she said.
PRESENTER James: Our next story continues the gardening theme. The Eden Project says its live streaming lessons have reached 75,000 schoolchildren across the world. Listen out for the Cornish for the Eden Project, An Edenva, the United States, Statys Unys, and Japan, Nihon.
Herwydh aga fara skolyow, i re dhyllsa orth studhyoryon y鈥檔 Ruvaneth Unys, Kanada, an Statys Unys, Nihon, Portyngal, ha鈥檔 Iseldiryow.Y lavarsons dyskansow a veu dyllys yn fyw dhyworth an biome koswik law, owth adhyski dyskyblon a-dro dhe鈥檔 trovannow ha plansow posek.Hembrenkyas para adhyskans, Robbie Kirkham y hanow, a leveris yth o 鈥渕arthys dhe weles ass o degemerys yn ta鈥 an dyskansow.鈥淚 a鈥檊an provi gans chons kollenwel kanaseth Edenva dre omworra gans goslowysi dhyffrans, orth aga omjunya hag aga dri nessa dhe鈥檔 bys byw.Mester Kirkman a leveris 鈥渄he dhrehedhes moy ages pymthek mil ha tri ugens a studhyoryon, lies anedha heb chons dhe vysytya an Edenva kyns, yw y鈥檔 gwella cher yn hwir.
TRANSLATION According to its schools鈥 team, they had broadcast to students in the UK, Canada, USA, Japan, Portugal and the Netherlands. They said lessons were streamed live from the rainforest biome, educating pupils on the tropics and important plants. Robbie Kirkman, education team lead, said it was "amazing to see how well received" the lessons were. "They [live streaming lessons] provide us with an opportunity to fulfil Eden's mission by engaging with different audiences, connecting them to one another and bringing them closer to the living world," he said. Mr Kirkman said "to reach more than 75,000 students, many of whom may not have had the chance to visit the Eden Project before, is truly heartening.
PRESENTER James:聽Our final story concerns the attempt by owners of a derelict hotel overlooking a popular Cornish beach to once again convert the building. Listen out for the Cornish for hotel, ostel, restaurant, bosti, and caf茅, koffiji
An negys PBHH Ltd, a berghenn an drehevyans, aswonys avel an Ostel Rudhwynn a-ugh dhe dreth Pendower, re brofyas ombrofyans towlen nowydh dhe Gonsel Kernow.Yth esa dhe鈥檔 ombrofyans derowel rag ostel, bosti, ha pymp rannji anedhel warn ugens, moy ages pymp kans acheson rag skonya.Yma dhe鈥檔 desin amendys tri sett gobrena dy鈥檊ol warn ugens, koffiji ha bosti poblek, gwerthji, hag esyans mayni.Herwydh an berghennow yma govenek an ostel a wra tenna vysytyoryon dres an vledhen oll, ow kenertha an ekonomieth leel.Y fydh edhom dhe鈥檔 dastinythyans a-dro dhe vilvil peuns a ober fastheans rag gwitha hedhas fordh orth treth Pendower ha dhe witha erbynn esknians arvorek.Ervirans a-dro dhe鈥檔 towlow yw gwaytys yn hav a-varr.Henn yw oll ahanav vy, seythen da genowgh.
TRANSLATION PBHH Ltd, which owns the building, known as the Pink Hotel above Pendower Beach, has submitted a new planning application to Cornwall Council. The original proposal for a hotel, restaurant, and 25 residential flats, had more than 500 objections. The revised design features 23 holiday-let suites, a public caf茅 and restaurant, a shop, and on-site staff accommodation. According to the owners, the hotel aims to attract year-round visitors, boosting the local economy. The regeneration requires about 拢1m of stabilisation work to protect road access to Pendower Beach and to guard against coastal erosion. A decision on the plans is anticipated in early summer.That鈥檚 all from me, have a good week.
PRESENTER: Thank you 鈥 this week鈥檚 An Nowodhow was written and read by Kensa Broadhurst and the editor was Steve Harris. You can listen to the programme again via 成人快手 Sounds
- Sun 24 Mar 2024 13:55成人快手 Radio Cornwall