Shame Well Episodes Available now

White Hot Wedding
New to the Shame Well? Start at the bottom episode to listen in order!

A Simple Greeting
Elis and John hear of a greeting gone horribly wrong.

Clubhouse Klutz
A reminder to never try to impress someone.

Kids These Days
A blast back to the first ever 5 Live Shame Well.

Poor Man's Bates
Toilet desperation leads to the fright of someone's life.

A Bit of Blue-tooth
One of 1000 reasons why AUX > Bluetooth.

Jack Damniels
An all-time great Shame Well. Settle in.

Wallet Worries
English Person + Confused Foreigners = Ripe Shame

Number Two Night Stand
Warning: This one's a bit grubby.

The Jiggly Path
A quiet walk in the park turns sour in this Shame Well.