Sliced Bread Episodes Available now

Coffee Pods
How green are coffee pods?

Cleaning Sprays
Do we really need all those cleaning sprays?

Longevity Supplements - 100th Episode
Can taking special supplements help us to live longer?

Float Tanks
Does a session in a float tank work wonders for mental health and exercise recovery?

Slug Repellents
Can slugs really be repelled?

Do drinks and powders with electrolytes help to hydrate you better?

Insulated Coffee Cups
What's the best way to keep your hot drink hot?

Greens Powders
Do drinks made from 'greens powders' do all they promise?

Foam Rollers
Do foam rollers help with exercise?

Dishwasher Tablets
Do more expensive dishwasher tablets clean better? And how do eco versions stack up?