Prògraman CBeebies air ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ ALBA
Prògraman, òrain agus spòrs am pailteas bho sgioba CBeebies ALBA.
Derek MacIntosh reads Fuirich Mionaid, Bernard.
AH-AH isn’t in a good mood and it seems to be contagious.
Tha Cladhach Mòr a' gabhail à ite an-diugh. There’s a big dig happening today.
Tha Fuigheag mì-shona mu rola teip steigeach. Fuigheag is upset over a roll of sticky tape
Pà druig MacCuinn a’ leughadh Glasraich Oliver. Peter MacQueen reads Glasraich Oliver.
Petit gets bitten by one of Tadeo's fleas.
Cò dh’fhalbh leis na glasraich? Who has taken the vegetables?
Ruairidh Graham reads Rud Beag Misneachd.
Tha beagan aimhreit eadar Bing 's Sula. Bing and Sula have a bit of a quarrel.
Tha an leabhar aig Bing a' tuiteam dhan amar! Bing's bedtime book falls in the bath!
We learn today how ants are strong and active.
Tusk is painting a portrait of Ping Wing. Frustrated, he throws away his attempts.
Mischa MacPherson reads Augustus agus A Ghà ire.
Tha Gasta a’ danns’ an-diugh. Gasta is dancing today.
Ernest is honoured when the mayor asks him to sing the Song of the Bears.
Mary Ann Kennedy reads Tha Tìgear anns a’ Ghà rradh.
It's a hot, sunny day on the Island, so Abney and Teal make themselves straw hats.
Feumaidh Meaban is Moo rudan geala a lorg. Meaban and Moo are looking for white things.