Smart Consumer Episodes Available now

Coronavirus: Advice for parents coping with the kids being at home now the schools are closing their doors.
Mike Young presents The Smart Consumer Podcast.

Getting your finances under control in your twenties.
The Smart Consumer Podcast's Mike Young on the financial pressures on twenty-somethings.

How beauty influencers encourage us to buy and wear more Makeup
The Smart Consumer Podcast with Lydia Thomas and Louisa Adams

Eating in or dining out....what do you want for breakfast?
The Smart Consumer Podcast with Pete Wilson. Cereals or fry-ups - what wins at breakfast?

Why don't people see working as a waiter as a career - and why as diners do we dismiss them?
The Smart Consumer Podcast with Pete Wilson. Why is it so hard to keep restaurant staff?

Overdrafts - the new charges and how to avoid them
The Smart Consumer Podcast with Louisa Adams and Iona Bain from the Young Money Blog.

What should we eat to stay healthy?
The Smart Consumer podcast with Winifred Robinson

Should you spend more than 拢1,000 on an electric bike?
The Smart Consumer Podcast with Jon Douglas.

Mindful drinking for the sober curious - could you give up alcohol?
Smart Consumer with Laura Willoughby of Club Soda and Professor David Nutt

Failed diets and body shaming - can you combine wellbeing and weight loss?
The Smart Consumer podcast with Frankie Haynes, Shahroo Izadi and Man V Fat.