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Dealbh Fraoich: A Portrait of Heather

A’ comharrachadh beatha agus obair ealain Fhraoich Nic an Deòir. A celebration of artist Heather Dewar’s life and work.

Tro shia shreathan de Dhealbhan Fraoich tha Fraoch Nic an Deòir air luaidh a dhèanamh, na cuid dealbhan, air mòran Ghàidheil fada is farsaing, sean is òg. Ach a-nise an t-àm ann luaidh a dhèanamh oirre fhèin.
Sa phrògram sònraichte a tha uair a thìde a dh’fhaid, chithear Rupachitta NicDhonnchaidh, Iseabail Mhoireach agus Calum Aonghas MacAoidh an cuideachd Fhraoich. Bi iad a’ còmhradh rithe mu a beatha - an dà chuid pearsanta ’s na h-obair - le gach neach-ealain a’ cleachdadh am modh fhèin son a tarraing.

Chan fhaic Fraoch an obair chriochnaichte gus an tèid an taisbeanadh ann an Glaschu. Còmhla ris na trì dealbhan ùra aig a’ chuirm shònraichte seo, bi cruinneachadh de chuid de na tha Fraoch fhèin air a pheantadh thairis an t-sreath Dealbhan Fhraoich. Cruinnichidh cuideachd cuid de na Gàidheil a shuidh dhi thairis nam bliadhnaichean gus an dealbh fhèin fhaicinn crochte san àite sònraichte seo.

Over six series of Dealbhan Fraoich, Heather Dewar has celebrated and immortalised on canvas Gaels young and old from across the country. Now it’s Heather’s turn.

In this hour long special, artists Rupachitta Robertson, Ishbel Murray and Calum Angus Mackay, working in different mediums, will have Heather sit for them while they talk to her about her life and work.

Heather doesn’t get to see the finished artworks until they are revealed at a special exhibition in Glasgow. As well as showcasing these new pieces, a selection of Heather’s own portraits from the Dealbhan Fraoich series are displayed, and some of the Gaels who sat for them over the years join Heather at the exhibition to see their portrait on the gallery walls.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

59 minutes

Last on

Mon 30 Dec 2024 22:00
