An Geam Àlainn
Ball-coise nam ban ann an Alba bho shealladh luchd-cluiche, luchd-leantainn & eòlaichean. Women’s football in Scotland seen through the eyes of players, fans and experts.
Ball-coise nam ban ann an Alba bho shealladh luchd-cluiche, leithid an deugaire Osla, sgiobaidhean, leithid Caley Thistle Inbhir Nis agus sgioba WIIGA, luchd-leantainn & eòlaichean. Nì am prògram aithriseach foillseachadh cuid de na sgeulachdan iongantach a tha a’ nochdadh agus mar a tha a’ gheama a sìor dhol am meud airson cluicheadairean an latha an-duigh. Le agallamhan bho luchd-leantainn mar Mà iri Anna Chaimbeul, Seòna Nic’Ill’Fhionndaig agus an sgrìobhaiche-spòrs Ailig O’Henley. Coinnichidh sinn ri feadhainn eile a thug buaidh air an spòrs, leithid an dithis a stèidhich Glasgow City F.C. , Laura Montgomery and Carol Anne Stewart, agus Fiona McIntyre, ceannard an SWPL, a bha mar mheadhan air cruth a chur air structar a’ gheama a tha againn an-diugh. Catrìona NicNèill ag aithris.
Women’s football in Scotland through the eyes of players, including teenager Osla, teams, including Inverness Caledonian Thistle and the WIIGA team, as well as fans and experts. The documentary reveals some of the extraordinary stories within the game and how it has evolved for the players of today with contributions from fans Mary Ann Campbell, Seona McClintock and sportswriter Alex O’Henley.
We also meet influential figures such as Glasgow City FC founders Laura Montgomery and Carol Anne Stewart, and SWPL chief Fiona McIntyre, who were instrumental in shaping football’s modern framework. Narrated by Carrie MacNeil.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
Role | Contributor |
Actor | Carrie MacNeil |
Executive Producer | Alasdair MacCuish |
Director | Iain Macleod |
Producer | Ewan Duncan |
Production Manager | Gillian MacLean |
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